It takes you four years to finish your college life. Graduation seems to be untouchable since it is such a long time. While it is too short for us to realize we are apart soon.
你曾逃过的课,落下的笔记,说过的悄悄话,又或是那些一起熬夜看的比赛,都在转身离开的瞬间, 随风飘散。
The classes that you had skipped, the notebooks that you had forgotten, the secrets that you had told and the matches that you had watched all night.Everything was gone with wind when the moment you turned around and left.
The books that you had read, the test papers that you had written, the text books that you had recited and the childish clothes that you had wore. All those were taken by old items buyers one by one. At last, everything,including youth, disappeared.
Some walk along the familiar road again, while what they walk is not only the road, it is the memory. Some raise their cups with best friends, what they drink is not only the beer, it is emotion. Some take pictures with their roommates, what the camera record is the most beautiful youth.
Once you thought youth would be the longest film, however, the left you need to do is taking a bow. Once you thought people would be with you forever, however, there is few. Once you thought the way you walk has no roadhead, however, you can not go forward any more. Once you thought the one who would love you for good, but now what you possess is just memory.
Fours years later, where will you stay? what songs will you listen? who will you fall in love ?
The world is so small that you are surprised to encounter someone when you turn around;while the world is so big that you are afriad of missing someone when you turn back.
Four years comes after four years, how many four years will you have? Wish you could live beautifully in the future and recall the youth with the delighted smile.
<The end>