How great leaders inspire action?
** Golden Circle: why, how and what **
- what they do
- how they do
- why they do what they do
- profit is the result not the ‘why’
- the cause, the belief, relation exists
- arrange:
- why to what: people buy why you do it because that is what they belief
- what to why: doesn’t affect people that much in purchasing the product (the doubt exist)
- this model doesn’t concern or test if is true of false
- biological aspect:
- surface of the brain: semi cortex, work for language, rational, analytical thought, doesn’t control behaivour (what)
- the inside of the brain: the most effective part to influence us is by limbic system: trust, loyalty, expression but feeling to affect us from why, no capacity for language, but control behaviour (why)
- people believe what you believe (goal)
** Law of Innovation Diffusion **
- Max market acceptance when achieve 15% ~ 18% of whole market
- Early people try the product first so that the medium would participate in it
- People buy why you do but not what you do for themselves for their belief
** Reference:**
Pros of golden circle:
o 这是一个真正的原因来激发人的需求的本能从而从其他的产品脱颖而出成为人们生活中‘必需’的产品 -
Cons of golden circle:
o 里头没有提及到顾客的对象;对象可能混淆
o 共鸣和针对性非常的重要,然而在这定义中可能会出现偏差,比如不能得到别人的认同