When youthink ofthe richest people in the world, the name Riley Bechtel probably doesn't come to mind.
当你数算世界上最富有的人时,Riley Bechtel这个名字你很可能想不起来。
It should. Bechtel is a member of theexclusivebillionaires club. We valued his net worth at $5.5 billion when we calculated our Forbes 400 list in late August — that's above Yankees owner George Steinbrenner III, television hostess Oprah Winfrey and Hollywood king Steven Spielberg.
应该会是这样。Bechtel是不愿吸收新会员的亿万富翁俱乐部的其中一员。在8月底预测福布斯排行榜前400位时,我们就已估算出他的资产净值在55亿——高于纽约扬基棒球队老板George Steinbrenner三世,电视主持人Oprah Winfrey和好莱坞电影之王Steven Spielberg。
He's the head of the engineering titan Bechtel Corp., the seventh-largest private company in the U.S. with annual sales of $27 billion.His family has owned it for four generations.
But while you might not be familiar with Bechtel's face, you're probably familiar with his company's work, projects like the Hoover Dam and the Chunnel they carved out between Britain and France.
Our last census of the world's wealthy last March found more than 1,000 billionaires throughout the world. While they'rehardly household namesthemselves, their companies make products that are pretty hard to miss.
Take Kjeld Kirk Kristiansen. If you liked building things as a child, there's a good chance you'll recognize his family's business.
拿Kjeld Kirk Kristiansen来说。如果你像个小孩子一样喜欢搭建东西,那么你将有很好的机会去了解他那个家族的生意。
Kristiansen's grandfather founded the Danish company Lego in 1932. At first, his grandfather crafted wood toys in a carpentry shop, but in 1949 the company invented what would become its most famous product. At the time, the stackable plastic pieces with studs on top were called the Automatic Binding Brick.
Today, we simply call them Legos, and the company is the world's sixth-largest toy maker by sales. The company's success led us to peg Kristiansen's net worth at $6.5 billion in March.
Another unfamiliar name who madebillionswith popular products: Jorge Paulo Lemann. The former competitive tennis player is now a major shareholder in the world's largest brewer, InBev.
另一个通过大众化产品而挣得亿万钱财、不为人熟知的名字是:Jorge Paulo Lemann。这位前竞技网球运动员现在是世界上最大啤酒制造商英博公司的主要股东。
In 1989, Lemann was a successful Brazilian investment banker when he and some banking partners bought a stake in his country's largest brewery. A string of mergers followed, and now that brewery is part of beer-making behemoth Anheuser-Busch InBev.
1989年,Lemann还只是个成功的巴西投资银行家,那年他和一些银行业合作者购买了他们国家最大啤酒厂的股票。一系列的合并之后,现在该啤酒厂已成为啤酒酿造巨擘Anheuser-Busch InBev公司的一份子。
The company's impressive roster of beers includes well-known brands like Budweiser, Stella Artois, Beck's and Michelob. Thanks to his success in the beer world, we estimated Lemann's net worth at $5.8 billionin March.
Some of the world's tech titans are as publicized as a celebrity, like Bill Gates and Steve Jobs. But what about David Sun and JohnTu? Their combined net worth of $8 billion is certainly worth noting.
有些技术巨子已被宣传为名人,比如Bill Gates和Steve Jobs。可是David Sun(孙大伟)和John Tu(杜纪川)怎么样呢?他们8亿美元的共同资产净值当然也值得关注。
They are co-founders of Kingston Technology, the79th-largest private company in the U.S. Annual sales run over $4 billion.
Any time you buy a cellphone, camera or MP3 player, there's a chance you'reliningthe pockets of Sun and Tu. That's because Kingston makes the memory devices often used in those gadgets.
Sun and Tu aren't typical billionaires. They reportedly sit in cubicles with the company salespeople at the Kingston offices. They don't even have assistants. No wonder you haven't heard of them.