❶be on cloud nine:非常高兴,乐不可支
Synonymy phrase/word:
➀on the top of the world
➁be over the room
➂like a dog with two tails-tail:尾巴
❷with (one’s) head in the clouds:思维不切实际,心不在焉
E.g: She walks around all day with her head in the clouds. She must be in love.
❸under a cloud (of suspicion):不被信任;失宠;不高兴
E.g: He's going around under a cloud because most people think he’s guilty .
Synonymy phrase/word:
➀in the doghouse-doghouse:狗窝
❹storm clouds:暴风雨/乌云;暗示某些迫在眉睫的事情/麻烦的事情
E.g: I’m worried that all the visits by upper management mean that storm clouds are hovering over/gathering over our department
Hover over:盘旋
Gather over:聚集