倒数第二天和第一天开始背稿子,计时间,因为怕大家不了解讲稿中的书名,打印了讲稿中书封面或者重要人物,还有vegetable本文含义作为visual aid。
Advice from others:
GE-Marvin:M给我的感觉是非常专业,比如演讲前咨询自己演讲的目标,到场地后还主动问些问题,演讲结束提供了evaluation form和详尽的点评:
缺点也是很明显的:忽视观众,自说自话像背稿子一样,不能带动观众的情绪,我看到评论纸背面写了“make yourself high, make audience high”,我的最大问题。
Ah-counter-Cindy: a,an, and等缀词用的比较多,连贯性欠缺
感谢Marvin详尽的点评和解释,feel free然后pay attention to audience的确是最应该提高的地方,展示自己的想法,appear comfortable,感觉头马里这些小朋友们都好出色,向大家学习。
7 years mean a lifetime
Good evening,everyone. At the beginning of the speech, could you please recall what is your deepestfear when you were in Junior High? Failed exams? Parents’ blame? Pretty boys’ apathy?While for me, all these together could not compare the fear of death.
Well, it is not a storyof some near-death experience, but an after-effect of watching TV series. Inthe last episode, the hero turned out to be a vegetable in order to save theheroine, and being waited for coming around since then. It was an open-end, Idid not know when the hero could regain consciousness. Tomorrow? The day after tomorrow?Next month? Next year? Or never. It definitely scared me when I think ofmyself. I would be an old woman one day and finally pass away, resembling avegetable, feeling nothing, knowing nothing and could never wake up again. Atthe thought of this inevitable doom, I could not resist to crying.
After all, I was astudent, having homework to do and exams to pass. So this fear buried in my heartand only appeared occasionally. I know what I had done was to escape the fear, ratherthan face it frankly. Then I asked myself how to conquer this fear.
First I turned to Chuangtse,who regarded himself as a combination of atoms when alive, and separated atomswhen dead. He did not fear death and died peacefully. Because for him, death seemedchange nothing. He belonged to nature and nature was himself. You know it wassomething like the law of conservation of mass, while after one hundred years, ifthe situation that I might turn out to be soil, or something disgustingoccurred to me, I would felt sad again, without any doubt.
Then I read anotherwell-known book “the selfish Gene”, the auther, Richard told me that what humansdeliveried and passed on to was merely gene. In other words, we served as justcarriors for our genes and it was gene that really be preserved. Biologically,I agreed with this idea, while emotionally, it left an indefinable longing andregret in heart as well.
At last by chance,I read of the sentence “7 years mean a lifetime”, whose auther told me that wecould divide our lives into many “7 years”, planning our every lifetime to makeit means more than before. When we are stepping into another “7 years”, we mustbe grateful and energetic for the chance to reborn, and when we are at the endof every “7 years”, a sense of being-towards-death was more likely to push usto persue that really matters, that we may never done before and never wouldagain.
When I comprehend“7 years mean a lifetime”, I came to know that death is not only the biggestregret in life, but the biggest fair as well. No matter what your identity is, suchas an empire, a general, a thief or a beggar, our time on earth is nothing buta tiny fraction within the cosmos, like a drop of water dripping into the seathis second here and the next second: nowhere. Please remember, however, everyseven years we have a chance to reborn, to be a new person. Actually as long aswe are willing to, we can be new selves every next year, even every next day.So hold fast to our lives, for the world we blesses so devoutly, the dreams wepersue so tirelessly, and the person we loves so dearly.
If you ask me atthis moment, do you fear death? Yes, I would say, while I would not cry anymore.