TiDB 101(TiDB入门分享讲义)



TiDB 101

Part I - Introduction

What is TiDB?

  • TiDB is an open-source, distributed, relational database
  • It is NewSQL -- taking advantage of both traditional RDBMS and NoSQL
  • With native OLTP and optional OLAP workload support
  • With high compatibility against MySQL ecosystem

Key Features

Typical Use Cases

  • Financial industry scenarios with high requirements for consistency, reliability, and fault tolerance
  • Massive data and high concurrency scenarios with high requirements for capacity, scalability, and concurrency
  • Scattered data collection and secondary processing scenarios


  • ...

Part II - Architecture Overview

TiKV - Storage

  • Storage layer for OLTP
  • A distributed transactional key-value engine
  • TiKV stores are built on top of RocksDB (LSMT-based local-embedded KV system)
  • Each store is divided into regions -- the basic unit of organizing data
    • A region contains a continuous, sorted key range of [start_key, end_key), like an SST
    • Regions are maintained in multiple replicas (default 3) as Raft groups, having a cap size, and can be merged & split
    • Raft provides safe leader election / log replication / membership changing
  • Table data are mapped to TiKV with rules
    • Row: t{tableID}_r{rowID} -> [colValue1, colValue2, colValue3, ...]
    • Unique index: t{tableID}_i{indexID}_{colValue} -> [rowID]
    • Ordinary index: t{tableID}_i{indexID}_{colValue}_{rowID} -> [null]
  • Single-row (Per-KV) transaction is natively supported with snapshot isolation (SI) level
    • Distributed transaction enabled by implementing Percolator protocol
    • Almost decentralized 2PC
    • MVCC timestamps stored in different RocksDB column families

TiDB - Computation

  • Stateless SQL layer
  • Expose MySQL-flavored endpoint to client connections
    • Can provide unified interface through load balancing components (HAProxy, LVS, Aliyun SLB, etc.)
  • Perform SQL parsing & optimization
  • Generate distributed execution plan
  • Execute through DistSQL API (with TiKV coprocessors computing at lower level) or raw KV API
  • Transmit data request/response to/from storage nodes
  • e.g. A simple query showing TiDB & TiKV working together

PD ("Placement Driver") - Scheduling

  • Hold metadata (data location) and schedule regions in the cluster
  • Receive heartbeats (state information) from TiKV peers and region leaders
  • Act as timestamp oracle (TSO) for transactions
  • Provide guarantee for following strategies
    • The number of replicas of a Region needs to be correct
    • Replicas of a Region need to be at different positions
    • Replicas and their leaders need to be balanced between stores
    • Hot-spots and storage size need to be balanced between stores
  • e.g. Region split & merge
  • e.g. Hot-spot removal

TiSpark - OLAP Extension [Optional]

  • Traditional OLAP solution
  • Shim layer built for runnning Spark on TiKV cluster
  • Taking advantage of Spark SQL Catalyst

TiFlash - OLAP Extension [Optional]

  • Brand-new OLAP solution
  • Columnar storage with a layer of coprocessors efficiently implemented by ClickHouse
  • Data are replicated from TiKV to TiFlash asynchronously as Raft learner
  • Somewhat expensive, and we've already got a real ClickHouse cluster running for 8 months =.=

Part III - Peripheral Tools


  • A command line tool that manages components in the TiDB cluster
  • Deploy / config / start / stop / scale / rolling upgrade with simple commands and YAML files


  • A tool for replicating incremental data (change data capture) of TiDB
  • Support other downstream systems to subscribe to TiDB binlog

DM (Data Migration)

  • An integrated data migration task platform that supports full/incremental data syncing from MySQL/MariaDB into TiDB
  • Master-worker style
  • Workers act as MySQL slaves to keep track of binlog from sources
  • Supports table routing, black/white list, binlog filter & online DDLs
  • Supports merging from sharded databases/tables
  • Our proposed shard merging & CDC tracking route by now

Part IV - Cluster Configuration


  • TiDB & PD can be deployed on the same server
  • TiDB requires CPU & memory while PD requires fast I/O
  • Minimum 3 instances
  • 3 * ecs.g6e.8xlarge [32vCPU / 128GB] & 2 * 1TB SSD


  • Multiple TiKVs can be deployed on the same server server
  • Requires CPU & memory with very fast I/O
  • Minimum 3 instances (Raft requires at least n / 2 + 1 nodes functioning)
  • 6 * ecs.g6e.13xlarge [52vCPU / 192GB] & 3 * 2TB ESSD PL2
  • 3TiKVs per server = 18 instances total


  • Minimum 2 instances
  • 3 * ecs.g6e.4xlarge [16vCPU / 64GB] & 1TB SSD


  • DM master & worker can be deployed on the same server
  • 3 * ecs.g6e.4xlarge [16vCPU / 64GB] & 1TB HDD
  • When dumping data, make sure that the disk has enough free space to hold them


  • Including Prometheus, Grafana & AlertManager
  • 1 * ecs.g6e.4xlarge [16vCPU / 64GB] & 500GB SSD

Part V - Operation & Monitoring

TiDB Dashboard

  • Overview
  • Query summary


  • Query details


  • Key visualization


Grafana Dashboards (w/ Prometheus)

Alerting (by Mail)

Part VI - Examples, Q&A

  • Client connection
  • Dashboards
  • Monitoring
  • DM tasks
  • ...

The End

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