Customer Behavior - Where do you go ? For Competitive Analysis/ Product Display
- Intension Survey (Planned purchase)
- Shopping Path (Behavior before final decision)
- Purchase (Actual purchase)
For real store, they add a tracker in the shopping car. (2009, 2010). Or mobile application can also track user's path.
The research finding showed that customers won't check all of the aisle one by one. Instead, they only check the 25% places of the store. And very few people will go to the center of the aisle.
How "efficient" are shoppers ? - Traveling Salesman Problem
1. 以最佳购买路径(TSP)和最佳购买顺序(Order), 为参照,平均而言,消费者在采购过程中多走了3倍的冤枉路。(图1)
2. 细化分析这些并不“高效”的采购行为发现,离最佳采购顺序越远,最终采购量可能更高(组合搭配越发散?),但尚未打破最佳采购顺序的单纯绕路行为似乎并不能带来更高采购量。(绕路行为由于路痴引发,而不是好奇心引发?)(图2)
3. 通过人流量热力地图分析,可以找到最佳营销点,优化员工分布,改善流量死角。
4. 上述数据获取方式是在超市推车底部安装tracker. [流汗]采购数据来自柜台条形码。最佳路径和最佳顺序人为设定。
5. 在网购如此发达的国内,其实追踪网页浏览路径,对比最终下单行为即可分析出,根本不需要实体的tracker. 而且,上述分析报告缺乏人口分布信息(年龄,性别,住址),但网购数据一览无余。
Recall and consideration come before the final purchase decision.