【规格】直径32.4mm 厚1.5mm 重9.8克
光绪元宝户部当二十文制是清朝光绪年间流通的货币之一。清代银币、纸钞、铜币并行,至嘉庆年间发行新式银元,而光绪年间铸行金、银币更多。洋务运动也影响到铸币业,两广总督张之洞曾于光绪十三年(1887年)委托使英大臣在英国订 购全套造币机器,并在广东钱局首铸机制银元和铜元。其后,各省纷纷仿效,购制国外机械铸造银、铜元。包括广东钱局在内,许多造币机均订购自著名的英国伦敦伯明翰造币有限公司。英国大工业的介入,使银币也沾染上西方色彩。钱币正面鲜然可见满汉文化的融合,而钱背却明确标示了西方文化的介入。当制十文较多,当制二十文较少,具有很高的收藏价值,现在市面真品一币难求!
光绪元宝二十文,正面中心部分铸有光绪元宝,上方铸有满文和汉字户部,正下方铸有汉字当制钱二十文,为铜币。背面中心部分铸有蟠龙图案,上下两部分分别铸有HU POO字样和20 CASH字样。
户部当值二十文现存少有,做工精致,品相经过岁月的洗礼稍有磨损,包浆自然。整体来说还是不错的 。钱币虽小,也可管窥收藏价值。它有着历史熏陶,是价值很高的革命文物,具有深远的历史纪念意义。
Introduction to the
Guangxu yuanbao hubu dengwen system was one of the currency in circulation during the guangxu period of the qing dynasty. In the qing dynasty, silver COINS, banknotes and copper COINS were issued in parallel. During the reign of jiaqing, new silver COINS were issued, while during the reign of guangxu, more gold and silver COINS were minted. The westernization movement also affected the coinage industry. In 1887, zhang zhidong, governor of guangdong and guangdong provinces, commissioned British ministers to order a complete set of mints in Britain and cast silver and copper yuan for the first time in guangdong money bureau. After that, the provinces followed suit and bought foreign machinery to cast silver and copper yuan. Including guangdong money bureau, many mint machines are ordered from the famous London and Birmingham mint co., LTD. The intervention of great British industry stained silver COINS with western color. The front of the coin shows the integration of manchu and han culture, while the back of the coin clearly marks the intervention of western culture. When making 10 text more, when making 20 text less, have very high collect value, now market real article one coin is hard to ask!
Guangxu yuanbao 20 text, front part of the central casting guangxu yuanbao, above the casting of manchu and Chinese characters hubu, right below the casting of Chinese characters when making money 20 text, for copper COINS. The central part of the back is cast with a dragon pattern, and the words HU POO and 20 CASH are respectively cast in the upper and lower parts.
The ministry of accounts 20 existing rare, exquisite workmanship, product appearance after years of baptism a little wear, patina natural. Overall, it's good. Small as the coin is, it can also be a glimpse of the value of the collection. It has the historical edification, is the revolution cultural relic with the high value, has the profound historical commemoration significance.