select mu.* from mission_user mu left join mission_daily md on mu.`user_id`=md.user_id and md.mission_id=mu.mission_id
left join mission_weekly mw on mu.`user_id`=mw.user_id and mw.mission_id=mu.mission_id
where (md.day='2019-02-21' and md.status='GOING' and md.`user_id`=478) or (mw.year_week=201909 and mw.status='GOING' and mw.`user_id`=478)
limit 0,20
- 执行时间 10.2s
排查,各去除一个or 条件
select mu.* from mission_user mu left join mission_daily md on mu.`user_id`=md.user_id and md.mission_id=mu.mission_id
left join mission_weekly mw on mu.`user_id`=mw.user_id and mw.mission_id=mu.mission_id
where (mw.year_week=201909 and mw.status='GOING' and mw.`user_id`=478)
limit 0,20
select mu.* from mission_user mu left join mission_daily md on mu.`user_id`=md.user_id and md.mission_id=mu.mission_id
left join mission_weekly mw on mu.`user_id`=mw.user_id and mw.mission_id=mu.mission_id
where (md.day='2019-02-21' and md.status='GOING' and md.`user_id`=478)
limit 0,20
由于为对主表加条件导致,mission_user 整表查询出来在left join 导致缓慢.
解决方法,加入mission_user 条件到where
select mu.* from mission_user mu left join mission_daily md on mu.`user_id`=md.user_id and md.mission_id=mu.mission_id
left join mission_weekly mw on mu.`user_id`=mw.user_id and mw.mission_id=mu.mission_id
where mu.user_id=478 and ((md.day='2019-02-21' and md.status='GOING' and md.`user_id`=478) or (mw.year_week=201909 and mw.status='GOING' and mw.`user_id`=478) )
limit 0,20