【作者】Eileen Caddy
You hold great power in your hands, see that you use it aright for the benefit of the whole. Power can be used positively or negatively; it is simply up to you how you use it. When you want only to se the very best results, and you use it positively, the most wonderful happenings can take place. When the power of electricity is used positively, it can turn huge machines; it can light up cities; it can do the most amazing things. But when it is used the wrong way, the results can be devastating. So it is with spiritual power, which is even greater. It is there waiting to be used, but it must be used the right way. Then only good can come from it, and you will behold wonder upon wonder unfold in true perfection. Those souls who are ready and prepared to use this power properly are being employed to help at this time to bring down the new heaven and new earth.