冰与火之歌卷Ⅰ:权力的游戏中英文双语同步对照版 第18篇 CATELYN



   We will make King’s Landing within thehour.”


   Catelyn turned away from the rail and forcedherself to smile. “Your oarmen have done well by us, Captain. Each one of themshall have a silver stag, as a token of my gratitude.”


   Captain Moreo Turnitis favored her with ahalf bow. “You are far too generous, Lady Stark. The honor of carrying a greatlady like yourself is all the reward they need.”


   “But they’ll take the silver anyway.”


   Moreo smiled. “As you say.” He spoke theCommon Tongue fluently, with only the slightest hint of a Tyroshi accent. He’dbeen plying the narrow sea for thirty years, he’d told her, as oarman,quartermaster, and finally captain of his own trading galleys. The Storm Dancerwas his fourth ship, and his fastest, a two-masted galley of sixty oars.


   She had certainly been the fastest of theships available in White Harbor when Catelyn and Ser Rodrik Cassel had arrivedafter their headlong gallop downriver. The Tyroshi were notorious for theiravarice, and Ser Rodrik had argued for hiring a fishing sloop out of the ThreeSisters, but Catelyn had insisted on the galley. It was good that she had. Thewinds had been against them much of the voyage, and without the galley’s oarsthey’d still be beating their way past the Fingers, instead of skimming towardKing’s Landing and journey’s end.


   So close, she thought. Beneath the linenbandages, her fingers still throbbed where the dagger had bitten. The pain washer scourge, Catelyn felt, lest she forget. She could not bend the last twofingers on her left hand, and the others would never again be dexterous. Yetthat was a small enough price to pay for Bran’s life.


   Ser Rodrik chose that moment to appear ondeck. “My good friend,” said Moreo through his forked green beard. The Tyroshiloved bright colors, even in their facial hair. “It is so fine to see youlooking better.”


   “Yes,” Ser Rodrik agreed. “I haven’t wantedto die for almost two days now.” He bowed to Catelyn. “My lady.”


   He was looking better. A shade thinner thanhe had been when they set out from White Harbor, but almost himself again. Thestrong winds in the Bite and the roughness of the narrow sea had not agreedwith him, and he’d almost gone over the side when the storm seized themunexpectedly off Dragonstone, yet somehow he had clung to a rope until three ofMoreo’s men could rescue him and carry him safely below decks.


   “The captain was just telling me that ourvoyage is almost at an end,” she said.


   Ser Rodrik managed a wry smile. “So soon?”He looked odd without his great white side whiskers; smaller somehow, lessfierce, and ten years older. Yet back on the Bite it had seemed prudent tosubmit to a crewman’s razor, after his whiskers had become hopelessly befouledfor the third time while he leaned over the rail and retched into the swirlingwinds.


   “I will leave you to discuss your business,”Captain Moreo said. He bowed and took his leave of them.


   The galley skimmed the water like adragonfly, her oars rising and falling in perfect time. Ser Rodrik held therail and looked out over the passing shore. “I have not been the most valiantof protectors.”


   Catelyn touched his arm. “We are here, SerRodrik, and safely. That is all that truly matters.” Her hand groped beneathher cloak, her fingers stiff and fumbling. The dagger was still at her side.She found she had to touch it now and then, to reassure herself. “Now we mustreach the king’s master-at-arms, and pray that he can be trusted.”


   “Ser Aron Santagar is a vain man, but anhonest one.” Ser Rodrik’s hand went to his face to stroke his whiskers anddiscovered once again that they were gone. He looked nonplussed. “He may knowthe blade, yes?.?.?.?but, my lady, the moment we go ashore we are at risk. Andthere are those at court who will know you on sight.”


   Catelyn’s mouth grew tight. “Littlefinger,”she murmured. His face swam up before her; a boy’s face, though he was a boy nolonger. His father had died several years before, so he was Lord Baelish now,yet still they called him Littlefinger. Her brother Edmure had given him thatname, long ago at Riverrun. His family’s modest holdings were on the smallestof the Fingers, and Petyr had been slight and short for his age.


   Ser Rodrik cleared his throat. “Lord Baelishonce, ah?.?.?.?” His thought trailed off uncertainly in search of the politeword.


   Catelyn was past delicacy. “He was myfather’s ward. We grew up together in Riverrun. I thought of him as a brother,but his feelings for me were?.?.?.?more than brotherly. When it was announcedthat I was to wed Brandon Stark, Petyr challenged for the right to my hand. Itwas madness. Brandon was twenty, Petyr scarcely fifteen. I had to beg Brandonto spare Petyr’s life. He let him off with a scar. Afterward my father sent himaway. I have not seen him since.” She lifted her face to the spray, as if thebrisk wind could blow the memories away. “He wrote to me at Riverrun afterBrandon was killed, but I burned the letter unread. By then I knew that Nedwould marry me in his brother’s place.”


   Ser Rodrik’s fingers fumbled once again fornonexistent whiskers. “Littlefinger sits on the small council now.”


   “I knew he would rise high,” Catelyn said.“He was always clever, even as a boy, but it is one thing to be clever andanother to be wise. I wonder what the years have done to him.”


   High overhead, the far-eyes sang out fromthe rigging. Captain Moreo came scrambling across the deck, giving orders, andall around them the Storm Dancer burst into frenetic activity as King’s Landingslid into view atop its three high hills.


   Three hundred years ago, Catelyn knew, thoseheights had been covered with forest, and only a handful of fisherfolk hadlived on the north shore of the Blackwater Rush where that deep, swift riverflowed into the sea. Then Aegon the Conqueror had sailed from Dragonstone. Itwas here that his army had put ashore, and there on the highest hill that hebuilt his first crude redoubt of wood and earth.


   Now the city covered the shore as far asCatelyn could see; manses and arbors and granaries, brick storehouses andtimbered inns and merchant’s stalls, taverns and graveyards and brothels, allpiled one on another. She could hear the clamor of the fish market even at thisdistance. Between the buildings were broad roads lined with trees, wanderingcrookback streets, and alleys so narrow that two men could not walk abreast.Visenya’s hill was crowned by the Great Sept of Baelor with its seven crystaltowers. Across the city on the hill of Rhaenys stood the blackened walls of theDragonpit, its huge dome collapsing into ruin, its bronze doors closed now fora century. The Street of the Sisters ran between them, straight as an arrow.The city walls rose in the distance, high and strong.


   A hundred quays lined the waterfront, andthe harbor was crowded with ships. Deepwater fishing boats and river runnerscame and went, ferrymen poled back and forth across the Blackwater Rush,trading galleys unloaded goods from Braavos and Pentos and Lys. Catelyn spiedthe queen’s ornate barge, tied up beside a fat-bellied whaler from the Port ofIbben, its hull black with tar, while upriver a dozen lean golden warshipsrested in their cribs, sails furled and cruel iron rams lapping at the water.


   And above it all, frowning down from Aegon’shigh hill, was the Red Keep; seven huge drum-towers crowned with iron ramparts,an immense grim barbican, vaulted halls and covered bridges, barracks anddungeons and granaries, massive curtain walls studded with archers’ nests, allfashioned of pale red stone. Aegon the Conqueror had commanded it built. Hisson Maegor the Cruel had seen it completed. Afterward he had taken the heads ofevery stonemason, woodworker, and builder who had labored on it. Only the bloodof the dragon would ever know the secrets of the fortress the Dragonlords hadbuilt, he vowed.


   Yet now the banners that flew from itsbattlements were golden, not black, and where the three-headed dragon had oncebreathed fire, now pranced the crowned stag of House Baratheon.


   A high-masted swan ship from the SummerIsles was beating out from port, its white sails huge with wind. The StormDancer moved past it, pulling steadily for shore.


   “My lady,” Ser Rodrik said, “I have thoughton how best to proceed while I lay abed. You must not enter the castle. I willgo in your stead and bring Ser Aron to you in some safe place.”


   She studied the old knight as the galleydrew near to a pier. Moreo was shouting in the vulgar Valyrian of the FreeCities. “You would be as much at risk as I would.”


   Ser Rodrik smiled. “I think not. I looked atmy reflection in the water earlier and scarcely recognized myself. My motherwas the last person to see me without whiskers, and she is forty years dead. Ibelieve I am safe enough, my lady.”


   Moreo bellowed a command. As one, sixty oarslifted from the river, then reversed and backed water. The galley slowed.Another shout. The oars slid back inside the hull. As they thumped against thedock, Tyroshi seamen leapt down to tie up. Moreo came bustling up, all smiles.“King’s Landing, my lady, as you did command, and never has a ship made a swifteror surer passage. Will you be needing assistance to carry your things to thecastle?”


   “We shall not be going to the castle.Perhaps you can suggest an inn, someplace clean and comfortable and not too farfrom the river.”


   The Tyroshi fingered his forked green beard.“Just so. I know of several establishments that might suit your needs. Yetfirst, if I may be so bold, there is the matter of the second half of thepayment we agreed upon. And of course the extra silver you were so kind as topromise. Sixty stags, I believe it was.”


   “For the oarmen,” Catelyn reminded him.


   “Oh, of a certainty,” said Moreo. “Thoughperhaps I should hold it for them until we return to Tyrosh. For the sake oftheir wives and children. If you give them the silver here, my lady, they willdice it away or spend it all for a night’s pleasure.”


   “There are worse things to spend money on,”Ser Rodrik put in. “Winter is coming.”


   “A man must make his own choices,” Catelynsaid. “They earned the silver. How they spend it is no concern of mine.”


   “As you say, my lady,” Moreo replied, bowingand smiling.


   Just to be sure, Catelyn paid the oarmenherself, a stag to each man, and a copper to the two men who carried theirchests halfway up Visenya’s hill to the inn that Moreo had suggested. It was arambling old place on Eel Alley. The woman who owned it was a sour crone with awandering eye who looked them over suspiciously and bit the coin that Catelynoffered her to make sure it was real. Her rooms were large and airy, though,and Moreo swore that her fish stew was the most savory in all the SevenKingdoms. Best of all, she had no interest in their names.


   “I think it best if you stay away from thecommon room,” Ser Rodrik said, after they had settled in. “Even in a place likethis, one never knows who may be watching.” He wore ringmail, dagger, andlongsword under a dark cloak with a hood he could pull up over his head. “Iwill be back before nightfall, with Ser Aron,” he promised. “Rest now, mylady.”


   Catelyn was tired. The voyage had been longand fatiguing, and she was no longer as young as she had been. Her windowsopened on the alley and rooftops, with a view of the Blackwater beyond. She watchedSer Rodrik set off, striding briskly through the busy streets until he was lostin the crowds, then decided to take his advice. The bedding was stuffed withstraw instead of feathers, but she had no trouble falling asleep.


   She woke to a pounding on her door.


   Catelyn sat up sharply. Outside the window,the rooftops of King’s Landing were red in the light of the setting sun. Shehad slept longer than she intended. A fist hammered at her door again, and avoice called out, “Open, in the name of the king.”


   “A moment,” she called out. She wrappedherself in her cloak. The dagger was on the bedside table. She snatched it upbefore she unlatched the heavy wooden door.


   The men who pushed into the room wore theblack ringmail and golden cloaks of the City Watch. Their leader smiled at thedagger in her hand and said, “No need for that, m’lady. We’re to escort you tothe castle.”


   “By whose authority?” she said.


   He showed her a ribbon. Catelyn felt herbreath catch in her throat. The seal was a mockingbird, in grey wax. “Petyr,”she said. So soon. Something must have happened to Ser Rodrik. She looked atthe head guardsman. “Do you know who I am?”


   “No, m’lady,” he said. “M’lord Littlefingersaid only to bring you to him, and see that you were not mistreated.”


   Catelyn nodded. “You may wait outside whileI dress.”


   She bathed her hands in the basin andwrapped them in clean linen. Her fingers were thick and awkward as shestruggled to lace up her bodice and knot a drab brown cloak about her neck. Howcould Littlefinger have known she was here? Ser Rodrik would never have toldhim. Old he might be, but he was stubborn, and loyal to a fault. Were they toolate, had the Lannisters reached King’s Landing before her? No, if that weretrue, Ned would be here too, and surely he would have come to her. How?.?.?.? ?


   Then she thought, Moreo. The Tyroshi knewwho they were and where they were, damn him. She hoped he’d gotten a good pricefor the information.


   They had brought a horse for her. The lampswere being lit along the streets as they set out, and Catelyn felt the eyes ofthe city on her as she rode, surrounded by the guard in their golden cloaks.When they reached the Red Keep, the portcullis was down and the great gatessealed for the night, but the castle windows were alive with flickering lights.The guardsmen left their mounts outside the walls and escorted her through anarrow postern door, then up endless steps to a tower.


   He was alone in the room, seated at a heavywooden table, an oil lamp beside him as he wrote. When they ushered her inside,he set down his pen and looked at her. “Cat,” he said quietly.


   “Why have I been brought here in thisfashion?”


   He rose and gestured brusquely to theguards. “Leave us.” The men departed. “You were not mistreated, I trust,” hesaid after they had gone. “I gave firm instructions.” He noticed her bandages.“Your hands?.?.?.?”


   Catelyn ignored the implied question. “I amnot accustomed to being summoned like a serving wench,” she said icily. “As aboy, you still knew the meaning of courtesy.”


   “I’ve angered you, my lady. That was nevermy intent.” He looked contrite. The look brought back vivid memories forCatelyn. He had been a sly child, but after his mischiefs he always lookedcontrite; it was a gift he had. The years had not changed him much. Petyr hadbeen a small boy, and he had grown into a small man, an inch or two shorterthan Catelyn, slender and quick, with the sharp features she remembered and thesame laughing grey-green eyes. He had a little pointed chin beard now, andthreads of silver in his dark hair, though he was still shy of thirty. Theywent well with the silver mockingbird that fastened his cloak. Even as a child,he had always loved his silver.


   “How did you know I was in the city?” sheasked him.


   “Lord Varys knows all,” Petyr said with asly smile. “He will be joining us shortly, but I wanted to see you alone first.It has been too long, Cat. How many years?”


   Catelyn ignored his familiarity. There weremore important questions. “So it was the King’s Spider who found me.”


   Littlefinger winced. “You don’t want to callhim that. He’s very sensitive. Comes of being an eunuch, I imagine. Nothinghappens in this city without Varys knowing. Oftimes he knows about it before ithappens. He has informants everywhere. His little birds, he calls them. One ofhis little birds heard about your visit. Thankfully, Varys came to me first.”


   “Why you?”


   He shrugged. “Why not me? I am master ofcoin, the king’s own councillor. Selmy and Lord Renly rode north to meetRobert, and Lord Stannis is gone to Dragonstone, leaving only Maester Pycelleand me. I was the obvious choice. I was ever a friend to your sister Lysa,Varys knows that.”


   “Does Varys know about?.?.?.?”


   “Lord Varys knows everything?.?.?.?exceptwhy you are here.” He lifted an eyebrow. “Why are you here?”


   “A wife is allowed to yearn for her husband,and if a mother needs her daughters close, who can tell her no?”


   Littlefinger laughed. “Oh, very good, mylady, but please don’t expect me to believe that. I know you too well. Whatwere the Tully words again?”


   Her throat was dry. “Family, Duty, Honor,”she recited stiffly. He did know her too well.


   “Family, Duty, Honor,” he echoed. “All ofwhich required you to remain in Winterfell, where our Hand left you. No, mylady, something has happened. This sudden trip of yours bespeaks a certainurgency. I beg of you, let me help. Old sweet friends should never hesitate torely upon each other.” There was a soft knock on the door. “Enter,”Littlefinger called out.


   The man who stepped through the door wasplump, perfumed, powdered, and as hairless as an egg. He wore a vest of wovengold thread over a loose gown of purple silk, and on his feet were pointedslippers of soft velvet. “Lady Stark,” he said, taking her hand in both of his,“to see you again after so many years is such a joy.” His flesh was soft andmoist, and his breath smelled of lilacs. “Oh, your poor hands. Have you burnedyourself, sweet lady? The fingers are so delicate?.?.?.?Our good MaesterPycelle makes a marvelous salve, shall I send for a jar?”


   Catelyn slid her fingers from his grasp. “Ithank you, my lord, but my own Maester Luwin has already seen to my hurts.”


   Varys bobbed his head. “I was grievous sadto hear about your son. And him so young. The gods are cruel.”


   “On that we agree, Lord Varys,” she said.The title was but a courtesy due him as a council member; Varys was lord of nothingbut the spiderweb, the master of none but his whisperers.


   The eunuch spread his soft hands. “On morethan that, I hope, sweet lady. I have great esteem for your husband, our newHand, and I know we do both love King Robert.”


   “Yes,” she was forced to say. “For acertainty.”


   “Never has a king been so beloved as ourRobert,” quipped Littlefinger. He smiled slyly. “At least in Lord Varys’shearing.”


   “Good lady,” Varys said with greatsolicitude. “There are men in the Free Cities with wondrous healing powers. Sayonly the word, and I will send for one for your dear Bran.”


   “Maester Luwin is doing all that can be donefor Bran,” she told him. She would not speak of Bran, not here, not with thesemen. She trusted Littlefinger only a little, and Varys not at all. She wouldnot let them see her grief. “Lord Baelish tells me that I have you to thank forbringing me here.”


   Varys giggled like a little girl. “Oh, yes.I suppose I am guilty. I hope you forgive me, kind lady.” He eased himself downinto a seat and put his hands together. “I wonder if we might trouble you toshow us the dagger?”


   Catelyn Stark stared at the eunuch instunned disbelief. He was a spider, she thought wildly, an enchanter or worse.He knew things no one could possibly know, unless?.?.?.?“What have you done toSer Rodrik?” she demanded.


   Littlefinger was lost. “I feel rather likethe knight who arrives at the battle without his lance. What dagger are wetalking about? Who is Ser Rodrik?”


   “Ser Rodrik Cassel is master-at-arms at Winterfell,”Varys informed him. “I assure you, Lady Stark, nothing at all has been done tothe good knight. He did call here early this afternoon. He visited with SerAron Santagar in the armory, and they talked of a certain dagger. About sunset,they left the castle together and walked to that dreadful hovel where you werestaying. They are still there, drinking in the common room, waiting for yourreturn. Ser Rodrik was very distressed to find you gone.”


   “How could you know all that?”


   “The whisperings of little birds,” Varyssaid, smiling. “I know things, sweet lady. That is the nature of my service.”He shrugged. “You do have the dagger with you, yes?”


   Catelyn pulled it out from beneath her cloakand threw it down on the table in front of him. “Here. Perhaps your littlebirds will whisper the name of the man it belongs to.”


   Varys lifted the knife with exaggerateddelicacy and ran a thumb along its edge. Blood welled, and he let out a squealand dropped the dagger back on the table.


   “Careful,” Catelyn told him, “it’s sharp.”


   “Nothing holds an edge like Valyrian steel,”Littlefinger said as Varys sucked at his bleeding thumb and looked at Catelynwith sullen admonition. Littlefinger hefted the knife lightly in his hand,testing the grip. He flipped it in the air, caught it again with his otherhand. “Such sweet balance. You want to find the owner, is that the reason forthis visit? You have no need of Ser Aron for that, my lady. You should havecome to me.”


   “And if I had,” she said, “what would youhave told me?”


   “I would have told you that there was onlyone knife like this at King’s Landing.” He grasped the blade between thumb andforefinger, drew it back over his shoulder, and threw it across the room with apracticed flick of his wrist. It struck the door and buried itself deep in theoak, quivering. “It’s mine.”


   “Yours?” It made no sense. Petyr had notbeen at Winterfell.


   “Until the tourney on Prince Joffrey’s nameday,” he said, crossing the room to wrench the dagger from the wood. “I backedSer Jaime in the jousting, along with half the court.” Petyr’s sheepish grinmade him look half a boy again. “When Loras Tyrell unhorsed him, many of usbecame a trifle poorer. Ser Jaime lost a hundred golden dragons, the queen lostan emerald pendant, and I lost my knife. Her Grace got the emerald back, butthe winner kept the rest.”


   “Who?” Catelyn demanded, her mouth dry withfear. Her fingers ached with remembered pain.


   “The Imp,” said Littlefinger as Lord Varyswatched her face. “Tyrion Lannister.”


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