在我的工作坊里,我有时候会用重力的概念来阐述一致性原则。当你把一样东西从空中放下时,如果它偶尔(即使只有一次)没有往下掉,你大概会不断地尝试,看看这种情况会不会再出现。父母如果不遵守一致性原则,那么孩子通常就会不断地试探父母的限制和界限,因为孩子要了解父母会如何做(参考策略34),试探限制和界限是否可以突破。跟一致性原则相对应的教养策略包括1,17、18,、23、31、 46、47、53、 54和71。
The ABCs of Great Parenting
Having given you a sense of what to expect in the book, I’ll also say a few words about the philosophy that guides it. My recipe for great parenting is twofold. On one hand, it depends on cultivating awareness—specifically, nonjudgmental awareness—of yourself, of others (such as your family), and of the moment. What is called for with one child in one moment may not be the right approach at a different time or with a different child. As both moods and circumstances change, we need to be aware of what is happening and what is called for, and then flexibly adapt our strategy and approach.
If, for example, we have had a conflict with a coworker earlier in the day, then we need to be aware of how that conflict may still be affecting us when we arrive home for the evening, so that we don’t suddenly find ourselves losing our temper. If we are feeling lonely or depressed, we need to be watchful of inadvertently putting our needs before our children’s in inappropriate ways. We need to be aware of our thoughts and feelings so that we can pause, reflect, and make a choice about what to do, rather than simply reacting (see #11, 15, and 18).
In addition to awareness, great parenting is also grounded in what good research tells us about what works with kids. Some of this research has led to unexpected insights. Take praise, for example: It seems intuitive that the more you praise a child, the more confident the child will become. In fact, the opposite tends to be true. Children who receive excessive praise, especially nonspecific praise that is based on traits and abilities (such as “Good job” or “You’re so smart”) rather than effort, tend to be less confident in their abilities. (See #42 for why this is so.) Good research helps us get clear on what really works with kids and what doesn’t, so that we aren’t accidentally misled by ideas or theories that seem like good ideas but really aren’t.
Great parenting is not about memorizing a set of rules, it’s more like skillfully speaking a language. Through practice, fluent speakers internalize a set of principles and are then able to craft their language to suit the moment and their purpose. Like speaking a language, parenting is a skill that can be improved through learning and practice (see also #5). So when we combine some general principles based on research with our own moment-to-moment awareness, we can be most prepared for the parenting challenges that come our way.
Underlying the parenting practices described in this book are three key principles that I call the ABCs of great parenting. The A stands for Acceptance, B for Boundaries, and C for Consistency.*
The core idea behind the principle of Acceptance is that you should always communicate to your kids (through your words, behavior, and demeanor) that you love them just the way they are (even when you don’t like their behavior or choices). Acceptance is similar to unconditional love, though I would argue that the kind of acceptance I am speaking of here is actually more challenging.
Think, for example, of a bookish and uncoordinated boy whose athletic father had always hoped for a son like himself. While this father may encourage his son to participate in sports in order to build his skills and expand his comfort zone, can the father do so in a way that still conveys love and appreciation for his son as he is, rather than disappointment at his son’s failure to be what his father had hoped? This is a difficult, but vitally important, task. Some of the parenting practices that exemplify the principle of Acceptance are #6, 8, 9, 14, 16, 18, 29, 34, 39, 43, and 74.
Establishing and communicating clear Boundaries is the second key principle. Kids need limits and boundaries. They ultimately feel safest in a family environment where expectations and rules are clear and reasonable. Parenting practices that fall under the principle of Boundaries consist of #11, 21, 22, 23, 38, 41, 50, 51, 52, 71, and 72.
Strongly related to the principle of Boundaries is the principle of Consistency. Consistency means doing what you say you will do; it means being predictable. With consistency, testing of boundaries is minimized since children will quickly learn that you can be expected to follow through. Without consistency, the effectiveness of rules and boundaries is greatly reduced.
In my workshops, I sometimes use the concept of gravity to illustrate the principle of Consistency. If, when you dropped something, it occasionally (or even once) did not fall down, you might keep dropping things to see if and when it would happen again. Kids whose parents are inconsistent will generally keep testing their parents’ limits and boundaries, since it’s part of learning how Mom and Dad work (see #34), and the kids might also get away with it. Some parenting practices associated with the principle of Consistency are #1, 17, 18, 23, 31, 46, 47, 53, 54, and 71.
The title of the book was also carefully chosen to reflect the philosophy of parenting presented here. First, I use the word “great” to describe the kind of parenting I think we should aspire to, instead of “perfect.” Perfect parents do not exist, and trying to be one of those mythical creatures is likely to invite feelings of frustration and inadequacy. Great parents make mistakes (see #12). Making mistakes can be a good thing when it gives parents the opportunity to model for kids what to do when they’ve made a mistake, and how to respond with integrity and responsibility.
I also deliberately titled the book “What Great Parents Do” instead of “What Great Parents Know.” The difference between doing and knowing is a critical one. While we generally cannot “do” without first knowing, if we know but do not act on what we know, then change will not happen.
We have each experienced examples of this: We know we should prioritize sleep, but instead we stay up late watching movies. We know we shouldn’t check our e-mail or Facebook page one more time (again), but we do. We know we should be patient with our kids, but we aren’t. One of the keys to being a great parent, then, is not just knowing how, but actually doing what we know.
Actually doing what we know takes effort and practice (see #2). It is not easy, for example, to get up and go exercise when we really don’t feel like doing it. We know it’s the right thing to do and we also know how, but it’s difficult to actually bring ourselves to do it. That said, once we have worked hard (effort) to get ourselves into a regular exercise routine (practice), it is much easier to maintain. For this reason, though loving our children comes naturally, parenting well is a skill that can be learned, practiced, and improved.
If we have been lucky enough to grow up with skillful parents, then we have probably acquired a good sense about what great parents do. But if, as is the case for many of us, we did not have such luck, then we need to find ways to learn and practice the skills that will help us be loving and effective parents. Even if we did have skillful parents, we can likely still improve our parenting skills, since research is continually providing new and useful insights into children’s brains and behavior.
Seeing parenting as a skill also helps us to refrain from judging ourselves harshly when we make mistakes, to maintain an attitude of openness and learning, and to continually seek new and useful information in our effort to keep building our skills. So we need to know what to do and how to do it, and then we must actually go ahead and do it.
As you read this book—whether from cover to cover or just dipping in and out—you might find yourself experiencing feelings of dismay or even anxiety about your own parenting missteps (which we all have), such as situations you wish you had handled differently or things you wish you had known. If that’s the case, please remember that we all make mistakes, our kids are resilient, and we can create change only by starting now, in this moment, to consciously choose how we want to respond to the people and events in our lives (see #75).
I’ll end with a short anecdote that further illustrates my approach to great parenting. About fifteen years ago, my husband and I decided to adopt a puppy. Neither of us had ever had a dog before but we saw others doing it, it looked fun, and we both liked dogs. So we went to the local pound and brought home an adorable puppy. We quickly realized that we needed some guidance to manage all the various puppy behaviors we were dealing with daily, so we signed up for a dog-training class.
We went to the class, eager to learn how to train our dog and change some of the problematic behaviors we had noticed. As it turned out, the puppy-training class was less about training the puppy and more about training us: how to think like a dog, how to interpret dog behavior, and how to interact with the puppy in a way that would allow her to learn and grow.
Most importantly, we learned that in order to get our dog to change her behavior, we had to change ours first. This is a lesson we can apply to all our relationships. While it’s tempting to look at what our children do wrong and see the solution as “fixing” our kids, that approach ignores a key principle of change in relationships.
Relationships are like a dance. If one person changes his steps, the other person must also change hers. This is especially true with our children. So the next time you find yourself wishing your kids would whine less, listen more, and so on—remember that to change your kids’ behavior, you have to start by changing yourself.