“Of making many books there is no end; and much study is a weariness of the flesh.” “著书多,没有穷尽;读书多,身体疲倦。”出自《圣经旧约·传道书》。书是读不尽的,手不释卷地读,未必真有帮助,只会换得身体疲惫。因此,要先读“书中之书”(即圣经)。 作为当下的格言,可以适用于先读重要的相关图书,若有余力,再饱览群书。
Nothing is more important than to keep these suggestion and rules in your mind.
If you do as following and develop a habit,I think you will have no difficulty with anything.虽然对这些规则并没有什么印象,也没想着刻意去做,不过不就是这样吗,学着忘着。
A practical problems can only be solved by action itself.行动解决实际问题。
Be intelligent to read the practical book
So learning is a continual process.你需要不停地查全部有关资料来解决问题。
Reading the authors book and nothing else may not suffice,to understand it and judge it,you may have to read other books,books about him and his time,or books which he himself read and reacted.
Extrinsic reading about the author is much more important for interpreting and criticizing practical books than theoretical ones.
Prosperity never continues long in one place.
Do not employ these aids as that they don't know how to read the book by itself.
Great books as involved in a prolonged conversation about the basic problems of mankind.The great authors were great readers,and one way to understand them is to read the books they read.
the conversation aspect of reading