Recall that he carried his shoulders very high and squared away. suggesting that he shouldered heavy responsibilities.回想一下,他的肩膀很高,挺直了身子。暗示他承担了沉重的责任。
in my opinion, if a person were subject to continual stress,producing first a hyperactivity of this gland, then its eventual exhaustion.在我看来,如果一个人持续承受压力,首先产生这个腺体的过度活跃,然后最终导致衰竭。
To reduce an individual's vulnerability to stress, the physical and psychic defenses against "letting down" must be worked through and released. 为了减少个人对压力的脆弱性,对“失望”的身体和心理防御必须被克服和释放。