安装依赖:cnpm install vue-amap --save
// 引用高德地图组件 main.js
import VueAMap from 'vue-amap';
key: 'your key',
plugin: ['AMap.PlaceSearch', 'AMap.Scale', 'Geocoder'],//依赖配置,根据自己的需求引入
// 默认高德 sdk 版本为 1.4.4
v: '1.4.4'
// 组件封装
<div class="content">
<div class="amap-wrapper">
<el-amap class="amap-box" :zoom="zoom" :center="center" :events="events" :mapStyle="mapStyle">
<el-amap-marker v-for="(marker, i) in markers" :key="i" :position="marker"></el-amap-marker>
<div class="Y-font-size-20 Y-margin-vertical-top-8">您选择的地址是:{{address}}, 经纬度为:{{lng}} , {{lat}}</div>
<div class="Y-text-align-right Y-avg-1">
<el-button type="primary" @click="getLnglat">确 定</el-button>
export default {
data() {
let _this = this;
return {
center: [117.120098, 36.6512], //地图中心点坐标 济南市
zoom: 12, //初始化地图显示层级
mapStyle: "amap://styles/8b6be8ec497009e17a708205348b899a", //设置地图样式
markers: [[117.120098, 36.6512]],
searchOption: {
city: "济南",
citylimit: true,
address: "济南市",
lng: 117.120098,
lat: 36.6512,
events: {
init: (o) => {},
moveend: () => {},
zoomchange: () => {},
click: (e) => {
let { lng, lat } = e.lnglat;
this.center = [lng, lat];
this.markers = [[lng, lat]];
this.lng = lng;
this.lat = lat;
// 这里通过高德 SDK 完成。
var geocoder = new AMap.Geocoder({
radius: 1000,
extensions: "all",
geocoder.getAddress([lng, lat], function (status, result) {
if (status === "complete" && result.info === "OK") {
if (result && result.regeocode) {
_this.address = result.regeocode.formattedAddress;
methods: {
addMarker: function () {
this.markers = [];
let lng = 121.5 + Math.round(Math.random() * 1000) / 10000;
let lat = 31.197646 + Math.round(Math.random() * 500) / 10000;
this.markers = [[lng, lat]];
onSearchResult(pois) {
let latSum = 0;
let lngSum = 0;
if (pois.length > 0) {
let center = pois[0];
this.lng = center.lng;
this.lat = center.lat;
this.address = center.name;
this.center = [center.lng, center.lat];
this.markers = [[center.lng, center.lat]];
getLnglat() {
this.$emit("getLnglat", this.lng, this.lat, this.address);
<!-- Add "scoped" attribute to limit CSS to this component only -->
<style scoped lang="scss">
.search-box {
position: absolute;
top: 25px;
left: 20px;
.amap-wrapper {
width: 100%;
height: 500px;
position: relative;
// 父组件调用
<Map @getLnglat="getPosi"></Map>
// js
getPosi(lng, lat, address) {