Dexta Robotics公司最近发布一款名叫“Dexmo”的产品,它是一款像手套那样戴在手上使用的未来主义外骨骼。它内置大量的元件,能够与VR体验进行交互,可帮助你感觉握在你的双手的虚拟物体。在「接触」虚拟物体时,它还能为每个手指提供可变的力反馈。简单来说,你将可以在 VR 世界中体验到真正捏橡皮鸭或石头的感觉。
Haptic Workstation 是CyberGlove公司的突破性创新3D触觉产品。该产品是一套完整集成的仿真系统,配有左、右手整个手部的力反馈系统、沉浸式3D立体浏览系统以及简单易用的CAD模型操纵和互动软件。
一名微软首席设计师曾经说过 “感知系统的输出必须大于输入,这样才能击中用户体验的甜点,让用户感到惊讶和愉悦。”
评价这些交互方式的核心在于用户付出的能量和时间以及使用的频次和获得的交互效果。鼠标和键盘之所以能够成为PC时代的主流交互方式,是因为用户只要移动鼠标几厘米,光标就可以移至PC屏幕的任何一个位置;手指左右移动几个按键就可以点击到目标按键。智能手机的触摸屏也一样,乔布斯当年并没有把iPhone4的屏幕做得很大,其中一个原因就是为了限制手指的在滑屏距离,减少能量的消耗。贺杰指出,现在Oculus Rift、HTC Vive也有各自的控制器,用户只要旋转控制器一个很小的角度、按动一个按键就可以轻松实现交互的动作,也很省能量,有可能成为主流的交互方式之一。
Because AR uses the real world as a canvas, if an interaction includes a real world component, the feedback should take that into account. For instance, consider the instance of somebody moving and placing a hologram onto a table. A form of feedback can be a visual indicator like lighting the hologram and the table when the pairing happens. This tells the user that the digital object has locked onto a physical real world object. Other cases include during initialization where the AR headset maps the real world (SLAM). Check this video from Microsoft that provides great feedback when the hololens initializes to a new environment.
Since the beginning of computing, the input mechanism has been physical. Trained by years of typing on keys on desktops and computers we have made a mental connection between manipulating real world objects to make changes on the computer screen. This feeling has been re-enforced by the emphasis on direct-manipulation (touch-screen) seen in some PC’s and laptops (the Microsoft Surface and newest MacBook Pro) and almost all smartphones and tables (iPhone, Android, iPad, Surface). It is our subtle training by the keyboard and touch-screen that give current Augmented Reality devices so much friction.
Reliant on weird hand gestures in front of your face — pinching, dragging, dropping, and “blooming” — the Hololens sacrifices natural human comfort and ease to feel more futuristic. Within minutes of using the Hololens, the user wants to give their arms a rest, not to mention the tension they feel in their neck from gaze tracking.
I know it is still an experimental technology, but after my experience with the Hololens, it was a relief to use my phone. And if AR wants to seize its potential in the market, it can’t be this way.
Instead, Augmented Reality interaction should get over its desire to fulfill the Minority Report vision for itself of big screen projected over an environment and instead seek to better incorporate itself into the real world. With current object tracking and recognition, objects should be supplemented with the digital in order to become the menus themselves. With tracker technology in developer programs such as AR toolkit, it is now possibly to turn any image in a object tracker. By making these images physical (like a card or coaster), one can use real physical objects as controllers for digital objects. No matter how far technology goes, human’s — as the original toolmakers — will still want and need physical manipulation. If the AR industry’s wants the truly fluid interaction they claim to seek, it must recognize this to make a more human experience.