Cloudy Nov.12th 2017
I want to be rich.But after so many years struggling,I'm still where I manage to move at the beginning.
I want to get more happiness.But I can't feel that I've made a bit of achievement.
I want to learn English well.But still I have a long way to go for my English learning.
But have you ever asked yourself these questions?Are you dying to be rich?Are you dying to be happy?Are you dying to learn English well?
In the film The pursuit of happiness, Chris was dying to earn money for supporting their daily life.So he made his great effort to past the internship period.Finally he got it.
Wu Qingyuan, who is a famous chess player talked that why he was always the winner among many chess competitors in his autobiography.All that were sitting at his great desires to win.That is to say, he was dying to win.
Here is another story.
A man jumped into the water,a boat came by.
"Do you need any help?"
"No, god will help me."the man replied.
After a while, another boat came by.
"Do you need any help?"
"No, god will help me."The man replied with the same answer.
Then he died.He asked God,"Why didn't you help me?"
"I have sent a boat for you."
So god will help those who help themselves.If you have a dream, go and get it.And remember that be dying to get it.