优秀的原版外语影视剧,值得细细品。打算把Desperate Housewives重新追一遍,并写学习笔记,谨以此纪念我即将结束的全职妈妈生活。
.......you may come across an article about the unusual day I had last week.
come across something 偶然碰见某物,
more e.g.: I came across a few problems while doing this project.做这个项目时,我遇到了一点问题。
I came across an old friend.我巧遇了一位老朋友,但是现在也流行另外两种说法:
I ran into an old friend.
I pumped into Sally the other day.
Normally there's never anything newsworthy about my life.
注意到这句话是因为newsworthy这个词,根据构词法,很容易知道它的意思,但是不一定用得好。Mary作为一个做事井井有条,循规蹈矩的家庭主妇,生活确实没有波澜,而那一天她决定自杀,所以这一定会成为一个news,小镇的人们一定会茶余饭后津津乐道,所以这是一件something newsworthy.
例句:Normally I don't like cat, but your cat is so cute, I love it.
I performed my chores. I completed my projects. Mary没有用did这个俗词,我想我们当年背do one's homework, do one's housework以深入骨髓,所以说到做家务,我脑子里马上冒出来的也是do my housework.
drop in on me unannounced initial hesitation
It was her ability to look at the bright side.
Mrs. Huber听到枪响,打算去看看Mary家怎么回事,drop in on somebody在这个情景下就很好理解了,顺便短时间拜访看看某人,并不是很正式的拜访。 initial hesitation最初的本能的一下犹豫,后文Mrs. Huber很快就look on the bright side, 污了Mary 借给了她半年的搅拌机,永不归还了。
Susan前夫经常teased her about something. 离婚后她和女儿Jullie一起生活,当女儿问:“Mum, why would someone kill themselves?”"Well, sometimes people are so unhappy and they think that's the only way to solve the problems""sometimes people pretend to be one way when they're totally different inside."这是很浅显的语言解释人们为什么自杀为什么抑郁,人前很happy,内心却是伤。
“I just don't know I'm gonna survive this.”
"We all have moments of desperation, but if we can face them head on, we'd find out how strong we really are."
Lynette 当了4个孩子的全职妈妈以后,她的生活是so hectic,而不是用的so busy,所以我知道了so hectic远远大于so busy.
But this was not the case.但是这不是真正的情况(想象总是要美好很多)。Lynette全职后用了这句话,但是在商场遇到了前同事,问她近况如何,虽然内心是悲催的,她仍然笑着回答,用了老外最喜欢的最高级夸张句:“It's the best job I've ever had.”我欣赏Lynette在前同事前的这句谎言,谎言说多,万一就自以为真的呢?当4个娃全职妈妈,伪单身妈妈,过着so hectic的生活,做过全职妈妈的都能脑补其中的苦与酸,在闺蜜面前吐吐槽就好,没有必要说给前同事,这世上真的没有谁会喜欢一身负能量,听你那么多诉苦。
Hi, 亲,感谢你的阅读,我是当当妈妈,你来看我的文字,就好像来陪我聊了天。你的陪伴和关注是我努力修炼自己的巨大动力。爱你们,比心!