Chapter 3
She is tolerable; but not handsome enough to tempt me; and I am in no humour at present to give consequence to young ladies who are slighted by other men. --Jane Austen
她还过得去,但还没美到让我动心; 同时现在我可没有心情去礼待那些被别人冷待的姑娘。
In a few days Mr.Bingley retunred Mr.Bennet's visit, and got on well with him. When the party entred the assembly room, Mr.Bingley, with his two sister, the husband of the oldest, and another young man ––Mr.Darcy appeared together. During the party, Mr.Bingely met Jane, and only danced with her twice, but Mr.Dracy and Elizabeth both had a bad impression of each other.
After this party, Mrs.Bennet was quite delighted with Mr.Bingely, but thought Mr.Dracy is a most disagreeable, horrid man.
Word study:
1. ingenious: adj. 巧妙的,机灵的(似乎和genius有关系,注意不要写混)
2. surmise n.推测,猜度
3. elude v.逃避,躲避(delude就是哄骗的意思,可能是怕被骗就逃走了吧)
4. oblige v.迫不得已,强制
5. ascertain v.查明,确定(词根是certain 肯定的,确定的,变动词了,就是确定,查明了,感觉as更像强调)
6. dispatch v.发出去,派出
7. grieve v.使苦恼,悲痛
8. mien n.多指美好的举止态度,样子
9. amiable adj.和蔼可亲的,亲切的(词源应该是拉丁语amicus amity是n.友好,和睦的意思,也许可以放在一起记)
10. resentment n.愤恨,怨恨
11. fastidious adj.挑肥拣瘦的,难以取悦的(个人记忆是 fast是快的意思,而tid有每日三次的意思,ious是形容词后缀。每天很快地挑三次,果然还是挑剔的,难以取悦的)
12. cordial adj.热忱的,兴奋的(也有果汁,烈性甜酒的意思)
13. inhabitant n.居民,居住者(habitant也是居住者的意思,不过可以只是临时居住,inhabitant更多指常住居民)
14. sprain v.扭伤,崴
15. finery n.服饰,鲜艳服装
16. brother-in-law n.姐夫,妹夫:内兄,内弟;大伯,小叔(似乎所有亲属加上in-law 都不是真正有血缘关系的)
希望能一直坚持到chapter 61,加油!❤