How Much Entrepreneurial Potential Lives Inside Our Prisons?
Jeff Smith 因为在竞选议员过程中触犯了联邦法律,被判刑入狱一年。在监狱里的这一年,Jeff看到了那些狱友都非常聪明,做事灵光,考虑周到,有效的利用资源,这些能力在商业中是必不可少的,所以这些监狱里的“能人”,到底具有多少企业家潜质?
in prison, the options and resources were limited. You had to do more with less, and you had to be smart about it.
在监狱里面,你要学会在这样特殊的环境里生存,因为一个月的劳工薪水就5美元左右,是的一个月不是一小时。So you need to learn to hustle, even the illegal hustles. 比如打扫狱室,理发,想办法从外面弄烟酒或者小黄书之类的。这一切,你都要学会如何交易,如何避免风险,如何合作。
Whether it's promotional incentives or new product launch or supply chain management, barriers to entry, customer service, territorial expansion - every one of those concepts I heard lucidly explained inside the prison just
So it requires a level of, like, playing chess instead of checkers - thinking on multiple levels all the time and being extremely alert to everything around you that, I think, would serve a lot of these guys well in the business world.
The sad thing is that our prison system provides very few opportunities to help these guys translate their intuitive grasp of a lot of their sophisticated business concepts into a legitimate enterprise.
这让我联想到最近一次上海两名小学生和一位学生家长被极端男子杀害,网上舆论纷纷喊着判处死刑,不管该男子有怎样的作案背景。的确,这样的犯罪就应该受到法律制裁和应有的代价,除了对被害人及其亲人表示同情,我们还需要关注事情发生的根源。很多人的生活状态近乎边缘,他们属于marginalized people,他们没有好的生活环境,教育环境,工作环境,被整个社会所压迫,从而导致自己的心理和行为都出现了偏差,甚至导致违法犯罪。犯罪不值得同情,但需要想办法解决犯罪的根源性问题。
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