这是赵丽颖与冯绍峰结婚后播出的首部同框电视剧,当时“知否体”就已经初露端倪。元旦当天冯绍峰的官宣让“知否体”更广为人知。而该电视剧的英文片名并不是上面的古诗词英译版本,电视剧官方译名为The Story of Minglan。
73集古装电视剧《知否知否应是绿肥红瘦》是改编自关心则乱的同名小说,讲述了女主角盛明兰(赵丽颖 饰)从无人问津的庶女成长为明艳少女并嫁给了男主角顾廷烨(冯绍峰 饰)的故事。有趣的是,两人在现实生活中也喜结良缘。
The Story of Minglan is a 73-episode historical drama based on Guan Xin Ze Luan's novel of the same name. It follows the heroine Minglan (Zhao Liying) through her life as she blooms into a beautiful woman and eventually marries leading man Gu Tingye (Feng Shaofeng). Funny how that worked out in real life, too.
The play is an adaptation of a short novel.
“改编自……”英文则可用adapt from来表示。
Minglan is the sixth child of the Sheng family. Her mother dies early in her life. Although she is intelligent and kind, she's not favored by her father, nor by anyone else in her family. Through the years, Minglan hides her brilliance, hoping to one day avenge her mother. As she grows up, she meets many friends and foes, including Gu Ting Ye.