1. 命名习惯版本一
a. 见词知义
表名举例:用户表users 商品表products 书籍表books
字段名示例:books表中的字段名 b_id、b_name、b_price
products表中的字段名 p_id、p_number
c.多模块加前缀,特别是数据表名、存储过程名、事务名、触发器名等等,例如 U_Role、U_Group
2. 命名习惯版本二
Use lowercase:Will help on speed typing, avoid mistakes dues to case sensitivity e.t.c
No space – use underscore instead
No numbers in name only alpha English characters
Valid understandable names like blog, ecommerce e.t.c but not like project, james, e.t.c
Name should be self explanatory
Names should not be more than 64 characters.
Avoid prefix