Review the updated Paid Applications Schedule.
In order to update your existing apps, create new in-app purchases, and submit new apps to the App Store, the user with the Legal role (Account Holder) must review and accept the Paid Applications Schedule (Schedule 2 to the Apple Developer Program License Agreement) in the Agreements, Tax, and Banking module.
To accept this agreement, they must have already accepted the latest version of the Apple Developer Program License Agreement in their account on the developer website.
您的 Apple Developer Program 会员资格有效日期
您的会员资格有效期即将于2020年6月1日截止。如果您已经选择自动续期,您的会员资格将在这一天续期。如果您没有选择自动续期或者您所在国家或地区没有提供自动续期,您可以登录您在 Apple Developer 网站的帐户,并手动购买会员资格。请注意,如果您隶属开发团队,则必须由您的帐户持有人进行续期。如需详细信息,请参阅续期支持页面。