Report: Apps Nearly 90 Percent Of Smartphone Internet Time
Nielsen released a newcross platform report. Among other things it compares time spent with various media. TV remains the king of all media by time spent per day. That’s followed by traditional radio and then smartphones.Nielsen最新发布了一份跨平台报告,报告中包含了用户在不同媒体之前的时间花费对比。电视依然是所有媒体中每天花费时间最多的,紧接着是传统广播和智能手机。The report also compares app vs. mobile web usage by time spent. While Men and women spend roughly the same amounts of time accessing the internet on smartphones, women spend roughly 5 hours a month more than men using tablets.该报告还对比了手机应用和手移动网络使用的使用时长对比。虽然男人和女人在使用智能手机上花费同样多的时间,但是每个月女人会比男人在使用平板电脑上网方面多花费5个小时。Smartphone usage下图为智能手机使用概况:
As the chart above indicates 89 percent of smartphone internet time is spent in using apps. Eleven percent of time is spent using the mobile web. When it comes to tablet based internet access the time difference by gender is much greater, with women spending five hours more per month than men on tablets.上图说明使用智能手机时,多达89%的时间都在使用APP应用,11%的时间用于移动网络上。当具体到使用平板电脑上网在性别方面的差异时,就会发现有很大的不同,女人平均每个月要比男人多花5个小时使用平板电脑。Looking at mobile web vs. app usage on tablets, the chasm is not quite as great. Just over 80 percent of tablet time is spent with apps vs. 19 percent using the mobile web. That makes sense; the larger tablet screen offers a better mobile web experience than on a smartphone.在平板电脑使用上,移动网络和APP应用的使用差别并没有如此巨大。刚刚超过80%的时间在使用APP应用,19%的时间在使用移动网络。这是可以理解的,相比智能手机,使用大尺寸的平板电脑屏幕访问移动网络能获得更好的用户体验Tablet usage下图为平板电脑使用概况