Have you thought about what makes something attractive to you? And how you attract the others? There is something to do with connection. We attract and are attracted by connections, connections between our experiences and those for others, and others' ideas and ours.
Every time I am doing online shopping and attracted by a certain item, I will try to figure out why it attracts me. And I go through all the clothes I bought and find that they have one thing in common, making me look good or feel good. Just this connection between me and the clothes makes it attractive to me. The more connections I build with the things, the more I learn about the connections, and about how the items fit me. I will be clear about the color and style that suits me well, and what kind of detail will make me stunning, so I am good at building accurate connections matching with my actual condition on later shopping. We are on the way of effective thinking when we try to figure out the connections between us and things around. We are having a clear picture of what kind of person we are, why we make choices like this and how we become who we are, which relates to the connections we build or choose, realize or ignore.
I have read articles with thousands of like and find that they utters the words buried deep down in my chest, dig out the valuable treasure I have been trying to seek or help me discover the need within unaware before but necessary. That's how things have our attention, by building connections with us. Every time I follow a certain account, I am either impressed by the similar experiences or caught by a certain wording potentially connecting to my feeling or idea. That's a trick, since you know how to attract others when you know how to build connections while learning from the connections you identify in the things attractive to you.
There is a certain connection behind the essence of each issue. You are on the roll if the right connection is taken and handled.