Django & Flask, which one is better?
'Hello world'
Hello world in Flask:
from flask import Flask
app = Flask(__name__)
def hello_world():
return 'Hello World!'
if __name__ == '__main__':
Hello world in Django:
Django is more intimidating to beginners than Flask
Django has a steeper learning curve: settings, regular expressions, etc
Flask allows single-file projects
Data models
Data models in Django
Data models in Flask
Flask doesn't have data models!
Data Modeling
Flask is Extensible
Flask is intentionally minimalist.
Flask includes templating, URL routing, error handling, and a debugger. That's all.
All other functionality is delegated to extensions, Pick and choose the functionality that you want!
Django's data models are easier to get started: they are built-in to the framework.
Django assumes that you will use a relational database. If you don't, it will fight you.
Flask allows more flexibility to choose your data model. More choices mean more potential to screw something up. :(
Apps in Django:
Django Packages
Many packages available; hard to know which are good to use;
Hard to organize an existing project into multiple apps
Blueprints in Flask
Not quite the same as an app: blueprints are instructions for how to extend an existing app
Can be applied multiple times to the same app in different ways
Optional, but recommended for larger Flask projects
Familiar syntax, easy to get started
Django apps are more comprehensive, more numerous - but also more complex
Flsk blueprints are simpler, easier to integrate into a project
APIs in Django
Django REST Framework. Just use it
Authentication policies, serializers, extensive documentation, testing tools... it's all included
Multi-layered abstractions
APIs in Flask
Multiple extensions working together
Serialization: " Marshmallow " module
Marshmallow ecosystem includes integrations with Flask, SQLALchemy, MongoEngine, etc
Django REST Framework is amazing, but is subject to the same restrictions as Django itself(relational database, etc)
Flask has all the same functionality with much more flexibility, but you have to put it together yourself.
Maybe someday there will be an extension bundle for Flask that is similar to DRF: not yet
Choose Django when...
You're happy with all the choices Django makes for you:
Django ORM, Django templates, etc
You're not doing anything unusual
You don't care to learn the details of how things work, you just want something that works
Choose Flask when...
You disagree with one of Django's choices, and want to do things differently
You have unusual requirements that require custom components
You want to understand how plumbing of your applications fits together