1. Last time, we started to talk about the glaciers, and how these masses less forms from crystallized snow, and some of you were amazed at how huge some of the these glaciers are. Now, even though it may be difficult to understand how a huge mass less can move or flow, in another word for it, it's really known that the secret that the glaciers flow, because of gravity.
2. What happens is that the ice of the base of the glacier is under gradual depression, the depression coming from the weights of the overlaying ice. And you probably know that the under pressure, the melting temperature of water as the iceI mean, is reduced, so, ice at the basis of glacier melts, even though it's below zero degree thaws, and this results in thin layer of water between the glacier and ground, this layer of water reduces friction is like a lubricant.
3. When the glacier comes into contact with bedrock walls or this otherwise under some kinds of stresses, but can deform quickly enough, so the ice would expand or constrict, and that can cause be crack to form in the surface of the layer of ice, and that brittle the surface ice moving, is sometimes considered a type of glacier movement depending on which source you can thaw to.
4. Let's consider the following scenario, you wake up in the midnight in a strange hotel miles away from home, disoriented most probably from jet-lag, when even the most expensive surrounding can seem empty and dispiriting, you have paid a great deal of money to stay in the first-class hotel with its contemporary technology, but according to recent research carried out by an international travel and public relations company, all is not well.
5. Is it possible that the external environment can affect a guest's well-being? The company's research covered a whole range of different hotel types, both independent hotels and those which are part of large chains. They investigated chic so-called butik... hotels in the heart of downtown business districts, stately mansions located in the depths of beautiful countryside, and plush hotels built at the edge of tropical beaches surrounded by palm trees and idyllic blue ocean.