围绕……(某个主题、路线、方针等),类似这样的句式结构,如果这个“围绕”和后面的几个动作处于同等重要的地位,那么可以考虑处理成平行结构,翻译为动词focus on, pursue, keep to等,比如:
中国将着力提升经济增长质量和效益,围绕供给侧结构性改革这条主线,转变经济发展方式,优化经济结构,积极推进去产能、去库存、去杠杆、降成本、补短板,培育增长新动能,发展先进制造业,实现实体经济升级,深入实施“互联网+”行动计划,扩大有效需求,更好满足人们个性化、多样化的需求,更好保护生态环境。China will strive to enhance the performance of economic growth. We will pursue supply-side structural reform as the general goal, shift the growth model and upgrade the economic structure. We will continue to cut overcapacity, reduce inventory, deleverage financing, reduce cost and strengthen weak links. We will foster new drivers of growth, develop an advanced manufacturing sector and upgrade the real economy. We will implement the Internet Plus action plan to boost effective demand and better meet the individualized and diverse needs of consumers. And we will do more to protect the ecosystem.
要紧紧围绕党在新形势下的强军目标,坚持党对军队绝对领导的根本原则,统筹抓好各方面各领域军事斗争准备,保持边防海防空防稳定。We must keep to the Party’s goal of strengthening the armed forces under the new conditions, uphold the fundamental principle of the Party’s absolute leadership over the armed forces, strengthen our efforts in all areas in a coordinated way to maintain military preparedness, and ensure border, coastal, and air defense stability.
世界经济进入新旧动能加速转换的关键期,各方围绕利益、规则的博弈日益激烈,新兴市场国家和发展中国家所处的外部环境更加复杂严峻。As the world economy enters a crucial stage where new drivers of growth are replacing traditional ones at a quicker pace, there is mounting competitionfocused on interests and rules. This makes the external environment for emerging market and developing countries more complex and challenging.
围绕这个重大时代课题,我们党坚持以马克思列宁主义、毛泽东思想、邓小平理论、“三个代表”重要思想、科学发展观为指导,坚持解放思想、实事求是、与时俱进、求真务实。In answering this question, our Party has been guided by Marxism-Leninism, Mao Zedong Thought, Deng Xiaoping Theory, the Theory of Three Represents, and the Scientific Outlook on Development. It has continued to free our minds, seek truth from facts, move with the times, and apply a realistic and pragmatic approach.
我期待同大家围绕“深化互利合作,促进共同发展”的主题,共商发展合作大计,为深化南南合作、落实2030年可持续发展议程注入强劲动力。I look forward to our discussion onthe important issue of development cooperation under the theme of "Strengthening Mutually-Beneficial Cooperation for Common Development", which I believe will lend a strong impetus to deepening South-South cooperation and implementing the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.
围绕宪法,中国逐步形成了相对完善的卫生法律法规体系。Based on this constitutional stipulation, China has put in place a complete system of laws and regulations concerning medical and health services.
我们应该紧紧围绕这条主线,落实《金砖国家经济伙伴战略》,推动各领域合作机制化、实心化,不断提升金砖合作含金量。With this focus in mind, we should implement the Strategy for BRICS Economic Partnership, institutionalize and substantiate cooperation in various sectors, and continue to enhance the performance of BRICS cooperation.
“围绕……(某个目标、要求、课题)”如果表达的是动作发生的背景,还可以处理为表示原因或背景的词组,in light of, in the context of 等,比如:
中国未来几年经济政策的顶层设计,是围绕上述目标而制定的,关键就是要实施好“一个总要求”、“一条主线”和“三大攻坚战”。This top-level planning of China's economic policy for the next few years is designed in light of the above-mentioned objectives. In a nutshell, this policy centers around a Key Necessity, a Main Task, and Three Critical Battles. Let me explain one by one.
一个总要求”,就是中国经济已由高速增长阶段转向高质量发展阶段。今后几年中国的宏观经济政策、结构政策、改革政策、社会政策都将围绕这个总要求展开。The Key Necessity here is that China's economy has been transitioning from a phase of rapid growth to one of high-quality development. It is in this context that China formulates its macroeconomic, structural, reform and social policies for the coming years.
围绕服务实体经济推进金融改革。 We will move ahead with financial reform to better serve the real economy.
“推进金融改革”的目的是“服务实体经济”,故译为to better serve the real economy.
围绕处理好政府和市场关系这一经济体制改革的核心问题,持续推进简政放权、放管结合、优化服务改革。To balance the government-market relationship — the pivotal issue in economic structural reform — we continued reforms to streamline administration, delegate powers, and improve regulation and services.
我们将深入实施《中国制造2025》,推进制造业信息化、智能化改造,围绕满足消费者多样化需求开展个性化定制、柔性化生产,加快生产、管理、营销模式变革,重塑产业链、供应链、价值链,提高中国制造综合竞争力。We will implement the Made in China 2025 initiative to make manufacturing more IT-based and smarter. We will conduct custom-tailored and flexible production to meet consumers’ diverse needs.We will accelerate changes in models of production, management and marketing and create new industry chains, supply chains and value chains. This will make Chinese manufacturing more competitive.
二是围绕激发市场活力,加大改革开放。Second, we intensified reform and opening up to invigorate the market.