问题一: 有输入参数的函数的装饰器
def decorator_for_func_with_arguments(func_to_decorate):
def wrapper_that_passes_through_arguments(arg1, arg2):
print('I got args! Look: {} {}'.format(arg1, arg2))
func_to_decorate(arg1, arg2)
return wrapper_that_passes_through_arguments
@ decorator_for_func_with_arguments
def print_full_name(first_name, last_name):
print('I am {} {}'.format(first_name, last_name))
print_full_name('Tony', 'Stark')
# output:
# I got args! Look: Tony Stark
# I am Tony Stark
def decorator_for_instance_method(method_to_decorate):
def wrapper(self, bonus):
# 升职加薪,奖金增加一倍 d=====( ̄▽ ̄*)b
bonus = bonus * 2
return method_to_decorate(self, bonus)
return wrapper
class Salary(object):
def __init__(self):
self.base = 666
def total_compensation(self, bonus):
print('Congrats! You got a total compensation of {}'.format(self.base * 12 + bonus))
salary_instance = Salary()
# output: Congrats! You got a total compensation of 12088
def decorator_passing_arbitrary_arguments(function_to_decorate):
def wrapper_with_arbitrary_arguments(*args, **kwargs):
print('Received arguments as following')
function_to_decorate(*args, **kwargs)
return wrapper_with_arbitrary_arguments
def function_with_no_argument():
print('This function does not have any argument')
# output:
# Received arguments as following
# ()
# {}
# This function does not have any argument
def function_with_arguments(a, b, c):
print('This function has arguments')
# output:
# Received arguments as following
# (1, 2, 3)
# {}
# This function has arguments
def function_with_named_arguments(a, b, c, name)
print('{}, {}, {}'.format(a, b, c))
function_with_named_arguments(1, 2, 3, name='robot')
# output:
# Received arguments as following
# (1, 2, 3)
# {'name': 'robot'}
# 1, 2, 3
# robot
class Salary(object):
def __init__(self):
self.base = 666
def total_compensation(self, bonus):
print('Congrats! You got a total compensation of {}'.format(self.base * 12 + bonus))
salary = Salary()
# salary.total_compensation(2048)
# Received arguments as following
# (<__main__.Salary object at 0x1070b5f28>, 2048)
# {}
# Congrats! You got a total compensation of 10040
# 装饰器就是接收一个函数作为输入的函数
def my_decorator(func):
print('This is an ordinary function')
def wrapper():
print('This is the wrapper function that will be returned')
# 只有上述格式签名的函数才能作为装饰器
# 下面代码等于
# lazy_function = my_decorator(lazy_function)
def lazy_function():
# output:
# This is an ordinary function
# output:
# This is the wrapper function that will be returned
# zzzzz
的时候,事实上就是执行了lazy_function = my_decorator(lazy_function)
def decorator_maker():
print('This is a factory generating decorators on the fly. This function is called once we want a fresh decorator.')
def my_decorator(func):
print('This is the decorator generated on the fly. This function is called when the decoration happens.')
# 类似地,我们还是在装饰器中定义一个wrapper还包装原函数
def wrapper():
print('This is the wrapper around the decorated function. This function is called once the decorated function is called.')
return func()
return wrapper
print('The decorator function created on the fly is returned.')
return my_decorator
def func():
print('This is the function decorated.')
fresh_decorator = decorator_maker()
# output:
# This is a factory generating decorators on the fly. This function is called once we want a fresh decorator.
# The decorator function created on the fly is returned.
func = fresh_decorator(func)
# output:
# This is the decorator generated on the fly. This function is called when the decoration happens.
# output:
# This is the wrapper around the decorated function. This function is called once the decorated function is called.
# This is the function decorated.
def func():
print('This is the function decorated.')
# output:
# This is a factory generating decorators on the fly. This function is called once we want a fresh decorator.
# The decorator function created on the fly is returned.
# This is the decorator generated on the fly. This function is called when the decoration happens.
# output:
# This is the wrapper around the decorated function. This function is called once the decorated function is called.
# This is the function decorated.
def decorator_maker_with_arguments(decorator_arg1, decorator_arg2):
print('This is the decorator factory. Input arguments are: {}, {}.'.format(decorator_arg1, decorator_arg2))
def my_decorator(func):
# 利用闭包特性来将工厂函数接收的参数传递给动态生成的装饰器
print('This is the decorator function created on the fly.')
print('Arguments are passed in from outer function using closure: {}, {}.'.format(decorator_arg1, decorator_arg2))
# 注意这里wrapper函数接收的参数是被该装饰器装饰的函数
# 不要和上面工厂函数接收的参数混淆
def wrapper(function_arg1, function_arg2):
print('This is the wrapper around the decorated function.')
print('This function can access all the variables.')
print('Variables from the decorator factory: {}, {}.'.format(decorator_arg1, decorator_arg2))
print('Variables from the decorated function: {}, {}.'.format(function_arg1, function_arg2))
return func(function_arg1, function_arg2)
return wrapper
return my_decorator
@decorator_maker_with_arguments('Avengers', 'Justice League')
def func(function_arg1, function_arg2):
print('This is the function decorated.')
print('It accepts two arguments: {}, {}.'.format(function_arg1, function_arg2))
# output:
# This is the decorator factory. Input arguments are: Avengers, Justice League.
# This is the decorator function created on the fly.
# Arguments are passed in from outer function using closure: Avengers, Justice League.
func('Captain America', 'Bat Man')
# output:
# This is the wrapper around the decorated function.
# This function can access all the variables.
# Variables from the decorator factory: Avengers, Justice League.
# Variables from the decorated function: Captain America, Bat Man.
# This is the function decorated.
# It accepts two arguments: Captain America, Bat Man.
a1 = 'Avenagers'
a2 = Justice League'
b1 = 'Captain America'
b2 = 'Bat Man'
@decorator_maker_with_arguments(a1, a2)
def func(function_arg1, function_arg2):
print('This is the function decorated.')
print('It accepts two arguments: {}, {}.'.format(function_arg1, function_arg2))
# output:
# This is the decorator factory. Input arguments are: Avengers, Justice League.
# This is the decorator function created on the fly.
# Arguments are passed in from outer function using closure: Avengers, Justice League.
func(b1, b2)
# output:
# This is the wrapper around the decorated function.
# This function can access all the variables.
# Variables from the decorator factory: Avengers, Justice League.
# Variables from the decorated function: Captain America, Bat Man.
# This is the function decorated.
# It accepts two arguments: Captain America, Bat Man.