2016年9月28日,谷歌发布谷歌神经机器翻译(GNMT:Google Neural Machine Translation)系统。简单说来,GNMT是将整句当做翻译的基本单元,通过循环神经网络,将源语句子中的词进行编码,一旦整句读取完成,解码器就进行工作,一次生成一个译语句子的词语,进而实现整句翻译。
每当有这样的新闻,我的朋友圈就会被刷屏。翻译们是不是都挺抗拒这些技术的到来呢?我会讲一个John Henry的故事作为回答, 然后推荐一个TED演讲 by Garry Kasparov。
(一)John Henry的故事
先讲John Henry的故事,我选择了一篇中学生课外阅读,用词简单准确,结尾荡气回肠。
John Henry is one of the famous heroes of American folklore. He worked on the Chesapeake and Ohio Railroad toward the end of the nineteenth century.
John Henry was very strong. He made his mark in history because he could work harderand faster than any other man on the railroad. Curious people came from far and wide to see him hammer steel spikes through the hard earth.
When the Big Bend Tunnel was started, trouble began. The mountain seemed impossible to get through. The men who were building the railroad bought a new invention,a drilling machine, to try to speed up the tunneling. The other railroad workers welcomed the machine, but not John Henry. He stubbornly insisted he could work harder and faster than any machine. "I'll die with a hammer in my hand, before I let a machine make a fool out of me," he said.
And so a competition was planned. It would last for 45 minutes, or until one of the competitors gave up. The winner would be the man or machine who had drilled fartherest into the rock. Hundreds of people went to Big Bend to watch this great attraction.
After 30 minutes, the machine broke down, but John Henry kept right on working for 45 minutes. The machine had drilled only nine feet. John Henry, 15 feet. He had won a great victory, but the effort had been too much. As the song goes,"He died with the hammer in his hand, Lord, Lord ... died with the hammer in his hand."
演讲的题目已经揭示了主旨:“Don't fear intelligent machines. Work with them!”(一般被翻译成:拥抱人工智能)。
因此演讲内容就不多讲了,只讲 Garry Kasparov 的超强百科:
Garry Kasparov(加里·卡斯帕罗夫,1963-),前苏联、俄罗斯国际象棋棋手,国际象棋特级大师。国际象棋史上的奇才,被誉为“棋坛巨无霸”。
他确实是“说那话“的人,感兴趣的(其中有提到John Henry),可以观看演讲视频http://dwz.cn/6lIiL8。
Don’t fear intelligent machines. Work with them!