官网简介 Virtual Hosts
RabbitMQ is multi-tenant system: connections, exchanges, queues, bindings, user permissions, policies and some other things belong to virtual hosts, logical groups of entities.
In RabbitMQ, virtual hosts are created and deleted using rabbitmqctl or HTTP API instead.
- RabbitMQ是多租户系统,不同的virtual host是相互独立的.virtual hosts使用
或者http api接口创建.
Virtual hosts provide logical grouping and separation of resources. Separation of physical resources is not a goal of virtual hosts and should be considered an implementation detail.
For example, resource permissions in RabbitMQ are scoped per virtual host. A user doesn't have global permissions, only permissions in one or more virtual hosts. User tags can be considered global permissions but they are an exception to the rule.
- virtual hosts提供资源的逻辑分组和分离.RabbitMQ中的资源权限的作用域是每个virtual host.
Virtual host creation involves a blocking cluster-wide transaction. Each node has to perform a number of setup steps which are moderately expensive. In practice it can take up to a few seconds for a virtual host to be created.
Definition export and import is the recommended way of pre-configuring many virtual hosts at deployment time.
创建virtual hosts会阻塞整个集群,比较耗性能.
其他说明,从RabbitMQ 3.7.0版本开始,可以设置vhost级别的最大客户端连接数、最大queue数...
创建并使用Virtual Hosts
有2种方式创建Virtual Hosts,CLI工具或HTTP API endpoint(在管理界面新增)
- 创建Virtual Host
root@CentOS7.3[/xxx/rabbitmq]#rabbitmqctl add_vhost /demo
Creating vhost "/demo" ...
- 需要给用户赋权,用户才能访问这个virtual host.
set_permissions [-p <vhost>] <user> <conf> <write> <read>
root@CentOS7.3[/xxx/rabbitmq]#rabbitmqctl list_permissions -p /demo
Listing permissions in vhost "/demo" ...
root@CentOS7.3[/xxx/rabbitmq]#rabbitmqctl set_permissions -p /demo demoUser '.*' '.*' '.*'
Setting permissions for user "demoUser" in vhost "/demo" ...
root@CentOS7.3[/xxx/rabbitmq]#rabbitmqctl list_permissions -p /demo
Listing permissions in vhost "/demo" ...
demoUser .* .* .*
- 当客户端使用AMQP协议连接RabbitMQ时,需要指定连接的virtual host;不指定则表示连默认的virtual host为
2019-03-26 13:39:14.691 INFO 14356 --- [nio-8081-exec-2] o.s.a.r.c.CachingConnectionFactory : Created new connection: rabbitConnectionFactory#78461bc4:0/SimpleConnection@70e25c21 [delegate=amqp://demoUser@, localPort= 51424]
Virtual Hosts的使用场景
多租户的使用场景,比如主机资源紧缺情况下开发和测试共用一个RabbitMQ,可以使用Virtual Hosts将开发和测试隔离开.
root@CentOS7.3[/xxx/rabbitmq]# rabbitmqctl help
rabbitmqctl [-n <node>] [-t <timeout>] [-q] <command> [<command options>]
-n node
-t timeout
Default node is "rabbit@server", where server is the local host. On a host
named "server.example.com", the node name of the RabbitMQ Erlang node will
usually be rabbit@server (unless RABBITMQ_NODENAME has been set to some
non-default value at broker startup time). The output of hostname -s is usually
the correct suffix to use after the "@" sign. See rabbitmq-server(1) for
details of configuring the RabbitMQ broker.
Quiet output mode is selected with the "-q" flag. Informational messages are
suppressed when quiet mode is in effect.
Operation timeout in seconds. Only applicable to "list" commands. Default is
stop [<pid_file>]
wait <pid_file>
rotate_logs <suffix>
join_cluster <clusternode> [--ram]
change_cluster_node_type disc | ram
forget_cluster_node [--offline]
rename_cluster_node oldnode1 newnode1 [oldnode2] [newnode2 ...]
update_cluster_nodes clusternode
sync_queue [-p <vhost>] queue
cancel_sync_queue [-p <vhost>] queue
purge_queue [-p <vhost>] queue
set_cluster_name name
add_user <username> <password>
delete_user <username>
change_password <username> <newpassword>
clear_password <username>
authenticate_user <username> <password>
set_user_tags <username> <tag> ...
add_vhost <vhost>
delete_vhost <vhost>
list_vhosts [<vhostinfoitem> ...]
set_permissions [-p <vhost>] <user> <conf> <write> <read>
clear_permissions [-p <vhost>] <username>
list_permissions [-p <vhost>]
list_user_permissions <username>
set_parameter [-p <vhost>] <component_name> <name> <value>
clear_parameter [-p <vhost>] <component_name> <key>
list_parameters [-p <vhost>]
set_policy [-p <vhost>] [--priority <priority>] [--apply-to <apply-to>]
<name> <pattern> <definition>
clear_policy [-p <vhost>] <name>
list_policies [-p <vhost>]
list_queues [-p <vhost>] [<queueinfoitem> ...]
list_exchanges [-p <vhost>] [<exchangeinfoitem> ...]
list_bindings [-p <vhost>] [<bindinginfoitem> ...]
list_connections [<connectioninfoitem> ...]
list_channels [<channelinfoitem> ...]
list_consumers [-p <vhost>]
eval <expr>
close_connection <connectionpid> <explanation>
trace_on [-p <vhost>]
trace_off [-p <vhost>]
set_vm_memory_high_watermark <fraction>
set_vm_memory_high_watermark absolute <memory_limit>
set_disk_free_limit <disk_limit>
set_disk_free_limit mem_relative <fraction>
<vhostinfoitem> must be a member of the list [name, tracing].
The list_queues, list_exchanges and list_bindings commands accept an optional
virtual host parameter for which to display results. The default value is "/".
<queueinfoitem> must be a member of the list [name, durable, auto_delete,
arguments, policy, pid, owner_pid, exclusive, exclusive_consumer_pid,
exclusive_consumer_tag, messages_ready, messages_unacknowledged, messages,
messages_ready_ram, messages_unacknowledged_ram, messages_ram,
messages_persistent, message_bytes, message_bytes_ready,
message_bytes_unacknowledged, message_bytes_ram, message_bytes_persistent,
head_message_timestamp, disk_reads, disk_writes, consumers,
consumer_utilisation, memory, slave_pids, synchronised_slave_pids, state].
<exchangeinfoitem> must be a member of the list [name, type, durable,
auto_delete, internal, arguments, policy].
<bindinginfoitem> must be a member of the list [source_name, source_kind,
destination_name, destination_kind, routing_key, arguments].
<connectioninfoitem> must be a member of the list [pid, name, port, host,
peer_port, peer_host, ssl, ssl_protocol, ssl_key_exchange, ssl_cipher,
ssl_hash, peer_cert_subject, peer_cert_issuer, peer_cert_validity, state,
channels, protocol, auth_mechanism, user, vhost, timeout, frame_max,
channel_max, client_properties, recv_oct, recv_cnt, send_oct, send_cnt,
send_pend, connected_at].
<channelinfoitem> must be a member of the list [pid, connection, name, number,
user, vhost, transactional, confirm, consumer_count, messages_unacknowledged,
messages_uncommitted, acks_uncommitted, messages_unconfirmed, prefetch_count,