parlance ['pɑrləns]
n. 说法;用语;语调;发言
parlance (n.) 1570s, "speaking, speech," especially in debate; 1787 as "way of speaking," from Anglo-French (c. 1300) and Old French parlance, from Old French parlaunce, from parler "to speak" (see parley).
1. The term " meta directory " came into industry parlance two years ago.
两年前,商业界开始用 “ 元目录 ” 这个术语.
2. The phrase is common diplomatic parlance for spying.
3. Peter, in common parlance , won't work if he possibly can avoid it.
说白了,彼得只要能躲得过去, 他就不工作.
4. The rapid development of Internet prepares the ground for the network parlance.
5. In common parlance, it is the perfect soldier, the " eternal sentry "
通俗一点说, 地雷是一名绝佳的战士 、 永久的“哨兵 ”
"Sarah wasn’t used to the parlance in the medical journal."
"The parlance of the mental health field is becoming easier for the general public to understand."
The noun parlance means the manner of speaking and using words. Your 15-year-old will tell you that you are definitely not fluent in the parlance of teenagers, no matter how cool you think you are.
Parlance comes from the French word parler, meaning "to speak." The noun is often used to refer to the jargon or slang a certain group or industry uses. If you work in the sciences, you'll be familiar with the parlance of scientists and be familiar with such jargon as "goodness of fit" and "iff", which means "if and only if". But if you are not a scientist, you may stumble when you first come across such terms.
Definitions of parlance
n. a manner of speaking that is natural to native speakers of a language
Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for parlance
Focus on PAR(ticular) LAN(guage) So Parlance is a PARticular manner of speaking a LANguage.
About Parlance
Parlance derives from the Old French “parler,” meaning “speak,” and from the Latin noun “parabola,” meaning “comparison.”
Did you Know?
The parlance in the 1998 movie “The Big Lebowski” is so quotable for audiences because characters often repeat specific phrases they’ve heard other people say in prior conversation. In fact, both The Dude (played by Jeff Bridges) and Maude (played by Julianne Moore) slip the phrase “the parlance of our times” into their own parlance.