Quoted from Udacity Discussion Forums:
1. Post code in forums
Chief among the things you may found useful is code formatting. To get any code to both keep formatting (indentation) and syntax highlight, all you have to do is put three backticks (```) on the lines before and after the code. There should also be blank lines above and below the back-ticked code, like this:
I can <em>format</em> code how I want here.
This will render like so:
I can <em>format</em> code how I want here
You can also specify the language the code is in; generally, the forum will figure this out for you, but it isn't always correct, so it is probably best to include it:
def some_function():
print "The backticks will keep formatting"
def some_function():
print "The backticks will keep formatting"
Also, this is from my email exchange, if anyone ever finds themselves in a similar predicament: "If you are charged before we finalize your graduation, we are more than happy to refund you. Should this occur, please email payment-support@udacity.com once you've been officially graduated and request a refund for you most recent payment