我需要独立的男人,我问自己写小说有天分吗?costa rica租一个chalet开始写书?模仿三毛或者ashtangie 葡萄牙美丽的couple一家,蓝色的眼睛,屏蔽自己父亲的儿子,一切看起来很美。
milk rice, traditional Kiribath早餐完美,配合espresso,今天房间里瑜伽,也不错,早餐后等司机,去买了tonic water和vegie bun,好吃。
让他送我到unawadura说不行,结果下了高速,发现最近地点,路上跳下车,3400rp给他,tuktuk 200到了beach,第一家酒店,55美金,ok吗?位置很好啊,可以马上swim,立马放下行李跳到海里,想到的是James要羡慕死,为啥他如此热爱大海里游泳,感受波浪,温度刚好,浪潮很大,就是放松后顺波逐流,不要fight,犹如生活,很多海浪,enjoy伴随海浪向前,不要停止,最终很远的目标很快到达!
long swim, not since Long Beach in Philippine, wave heavy but follow the tide and relax, think of how much James telling me he loves swim in ocean, I like it better.
继续游泳到另一个方向,看到一个不错的酒店,问我来自哪里,所有人都说:your country having huge problem? 对我躲得远一些,一个国家suffer,人民想当然,不要以为是别人的问题,投诉,都是自己的问题。
决定去jungle beach,路上很美,很多植物丛林,真的是穿过jungle,很多俄罗斯人,也许这里是我要常来的地方?5点多jungle beach,没啥特别,路途很美,J视频我,看到他的微笑,所有疑虑都没有了,yorkshire语调上调也喜欢,没救了,也不需要救!japanese pogada 绝美,如果能够早yoga和VIPa,会很完美。为中国祈祷,打坐,看到落日,完美!
回来beach corner temple,party音乐震天响,我喜欢的组合。beach晚上一个人很美的工作,wifi很慢,fruit and nuts icecream和papaya juice,James called:
(I want to let him know that According to each other means, important u are independent for sake of your own yoga practice and confidence. )
Lin:used to the call and feeling nice about it; independent person all my life and now think of another person making trip different.happened so suddenly but also smooth.
James: how two independent persons can be together independently. we have prepared for so long.
I listen James talking about his stressful day, with work, writing, administration and his payment to rent which he realized he can only withdraw so much cash per day(I thought u should plan it earlier and why u told me that), Indian boundary, where is my boundary? Do I have fear now, losing something, somebody, some good trust again? Nothing to lose if no expectations. I am brave and independent which will remind so.
swim in ocean with big wave, follow the movement and just relax, quite meditative
Japanese pagoda, Jungle beach is nothing but way walking there is nice
ocean with jungle, maybe the sanctuary for us together.