

版本 日期 备注
1.0 2021.12.20 文章首发
1.1 2021.12.22 错别字修正
1.2 2022.2.24 描述错误修正

0. 前言

在最初接触到Flink时,是来自于业界里一些头部玩家的分享——大家会用其来处理海量数据。在这种场景下,如何避免JVM GC带来StopTheWorld带来的副作用这样的问题一直盘绕在我心头。直到用了Flink以后,阅读了相关的源码(以1.14.0为基准),终于有了一些答案。在这篇文章里也是会分享给大家。

1. JVM内存管理的不足


  • 内存浪费:一个Java对象在内存中存储时会分为三个部分:对象头、实例数据、对齐填充部分。首先,32位和64位的实现中,对象头分别要占用32bit和64bit。而为了提供整体的使用效率,JVM内存中的数据不是连续存储的,而是按照8byte的整数倍进行存储。哪怕你只有1byte,会自动padding7byte。
  • 缓存未命中:大家都知道CPU是有L1、2、3级缓存的,当CPU去读取内存中的数据时,会将内存中邻近的数据读到缓存中——这是程序局部性原理的一种实践手段。最近被CPU访问的数据,短期内CPU还要访问(时间);被CPU访问的数据附近的数据,CPU短期内还要访问(空间)。但我们前面提到,Java对象在堆上存储的时候并不是连续的,所以CPU去读取JVM上的对象时,缓存的邻近内存区域数据往往不是CPU下一步计算所需要的。这时CPU只能空转等待从内存里读取数据(两者的速度不是一个量级)。如果数据恰好被swap到硬盘里,那就是难上加难了。

2. Flink的演进方案


  • 在堆内内存过大的情况下,JVM启动时间会很长,而且Full GC会到达分钟级。
  • IO效率低:堆上内存写磁盘或网络至少需要1次内存复制。

因此在v0.10后,Flink引入了堆外内存管理功能。见Jira:Add an off-heap variant of the managed memory。除了解决堆内内存的问题,还会带来一些好处:

  • 堆外内存可以做成进程之间共享。这意味Flink可以以此来做故障恢复。


  • 分配短生命周期的对象,比起堆上内存,在堆外内存上分配开销更高。
  • 堆外内存出错时排错更为复杂。

这种实现在Spark中也可以找到,它叫做MemoryPool,同时支持堆内和堆外的内存方式,具体见MemoryMode.scala;Kafka也有类似的思路——通过Java NIO的ByteBuffer来保存它的消息。

3. 源码分析


3.1 内存段

仅仅为一个接口,它的实现有两个HybridMemorySegmentHeapMemorySegment。在之后的发展中,大家发现HeapMemorySegment基本都没有人用了,而是都用HybridMemorySegment了,为了优化性能——避免运行时每次都去查函数表确认调用的函数,去掉了HeapMemorySegment,并将HybridMemorySegment移到了MemorySegment中——这会见带来近2.7倍的调用速度优化。:Off-heap Memory in Apache Flink and the curious JIT compiler以及Jira:Don't explicitly use HeapMemorySegment in raw format serde

MemorySegment主要负责引用内存段,并其中数据进行读写——它对基本类型支持的很好,而复杂类型则需要外部来做序列化。具体的实现还是比较简单的,从field的声明中就可以大致看出实现了。唯一需要讲一下的是LITTLE_ENDIAN:不同的CPU架构会才不同的存储顺序——PowerPC会采用Big Endian方式,低地址存放最低有效字节;而x86会采用Little Endian方式存储数据,低地址存放最高有效字节。



    public void testPagesSer() throws IOException {
        MemorySegment[] memorySegments = new MemorySegment[5];
        ArrayList<MemorySegment> memorySegmentList = new ArrayList<>();
        for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
            memorySegments[i] = MemorySegmentFactory.wrap(new byte[64]);

            // multi memorySegments
            String str = "啦啦啦啦啦我是快乐的粉刷匠,啦啦啦啦啦我是快乐的粉刷匠," + "啦啦啦啦啦我是快乐的粉刷匠。";
            BinaryRowData row = new BinaryRowData(1);
            BinaryRowWriter writer = new BinaryRowWriter(row);
            writer.writeString(0, fromString(str));

            RandomAccessOutputView out = new RandomAccessOutputView(memorySegments, 64);
            BinaryRowDataSerializer serializer = new BinaryRowDataSerializer(1);
            serializer.serializeToPages(row, out);

            BinaryRowData mapRow = serializer.createInstance();
            mapRow =
                            mapRow, new RandomAccessInputView(memorySegmentList, 64));
            writer.writeString(0, mapRow.getString(0));
            assertEquals(str, row.getString(0).toString());

            BinaryRowData deserRow =
                            new RandomAccessInputView(memorySegmentList, 64));
            writer.writeString(0, deserRow.getString(0));
            assertEquals(str, row.getString(0).toString());
     // ignore some code

3.2 内存页




|-- KafkaProducer#invoke //在这里指定了serializedValue
  \-- KeyedSerializationSchema#serializeValue //序列化record 的value


|-- TypeInformationKeyValueSerializationSchema#deserialize //KeyedSerializationSchema的实现类
|-- DataInputDeserializer#setBuffer // 这是DataInputView的实现,用内部的byte数组存储数据。这里很奇怪的是并没有使用MemorySegement。
|-- TypeSerializer#deserialize  // 它的实现会针对不同的类型,从DataInputView里读出数据返回



    public ProducerRecord<byte[], byte[]> serialize(T element, @Nullable Long timestamp) {
        byte[] serialized = serializationSchema.serialize(element);
        final Integer partition;
        if (partitioner != null) {
            partition = partitioner.partition(element, null, serialized, topic, partitions);
        } else {
            partition = null;

        final Long timestampToWrite;
        if (writeTimestamp) {
            timestampToWrite = timestamp;
        } else {
            timestampToWrite = null;

        return new ProducerRecord<>(topic, partition, timestampToWrite, null, serialized);

这个serializationSchema的声明是一个名为SerializationSchema的接口。可以看到它有大量的实现,其中很多对应了DataStream还有SQL API中的format。我们以TypeInformationSerializationSchema为例继续跟踪:

public class TypeInformationSerializationSchema<T>
        implements DeserializationSchema<T>, SerializationSchema<T> {

    //ignore some filed

    /** The serializer for the actual de-/serialization. */
    private final TypeSerializer<T> serializer;


     * Serializes the given record to the given target output view.
     * @param record The record to serialize.
     * @param target The output view to write the serialized data to.
     * @throws IOException Thrown, if the serialization encountered an I/O related error. Typically
     *     raised by the output view, which may have an underlying I/O channel to which it
     *     delegates.
    public abstract void serialize(T record, DataOutputView target) throws IOException;

     * De-serializes a record from the given source input view.
     * @param source The input view from which to read the data.
     * @return The deserialized element.
     * @throws IOException Thrown, if the de-serialization encountered an I/O related error.
     *     Typically raised by the input view, which may have an underlying I/O channel from which
     *     it reads.
    public abstract T deserialize(DataInputView source) throws IOException;

     * De-serializes a record from the given source input view into the given reuse record instance
     * if mutable.
     * @param reuse The record instance into which to de-serialize the data.
     * @param source The input view from which to read the data.
     * @return The deserialized element.
     * @throws IOException Thrown, if the de-serialization encountered an I/O related error.
     *     Typically raised by the input view, which may have an underlying I/O channel from which
     *     it reads.
    public abstract T deserialize(T reuse, DataInputView source) throws IOException;

     * Copies exactly one record from the source input view to the target output view. Whether this
     * operation works on binary data or partially de-serializes the record to determine its length
     * (such as for records of variable length) is up to the implementer. Binary copies are
     * typically faster. A copy of a record containing two integer numbers (8 bytes total) is most
     * efficiently implemented as {@code target.write(source, 8);}.
     * @param source The input view from which to read the record.
     * @param target The target output view to which to write the record.
     * @throws IOException Thrown if any of the two views raises an exception.
    public abstract void copy(DataInputView source, DataOutputView target) throws IOException;


|-- TypeSerializer#deserialize
|-- StreamElementSerializer#deserialize
|-- TypeInformationKeyValueSerializationSchema#deserialize
|-- KafkaDeserializationSchema#deserialize
|-- KafkaFetcher#partitionConsumerRecordsHandler //到这里已经很清楚了,这里是由FlinkKafkaConsumer new出来的对象

3.3 缓冲池



|-- Task#constructor //构造任务
|-- NettyShuffleEnvironment#createResultPartitionWriters // 创建用于写入结果的结果分区
|-- ResultPartitionFactory#create
  \-- ResultPartitionFactory#createBufferPoolFactory //在这里创建了一个简单的BufferPoolFactory
|-- PipelinedResultPartition#constructor
|-- BufferWritingResultPartition#constructor
|-- SortMergeResultPartition#constructor or BufferWritingResultPartition#constructor
|-- ResultPartition#constructor
  \-- ResultPartition#steup // 注册缓冲池到这个结果分区中


4. 其他

4.1 相关Flink Jira


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