【占星师V来辣】7月11-17日 12星座周运势

Da Ga好!我是见习占星师V来辣(这算不算艺名?)这是我新开的占星专栏【来自星星的谁】将发布星座运势,分享占星技巧,探讨占星和心理学(以荣格为主)的观点碰撞。All in one:占星助人 爱己利他


白羊座 Aries

The shift will come with religion, psychics, self-help, psychology, spirituality – when you re-organise your thoughts about this secret, sensitive situation. It’s very likely that you fall into a fixed way of responding, every time you hit the same Neptune scenario. This in turn increases the feeling of being all at sea. The more confused you feel about this rather sensitive or delicate issue in your life, the more you’ve been singing the same sea shanty too long. Your own ability to stand back from the situation (perhaps, your God) and see it in a new light (preferably one that leaves you feeling anchored) is the answer, and experimenting with your new, grounded perspective could change everything. Just because you can’t tell other people what you’re up to, doesn’t mean you can’t go ahead and take a huge emotional, spiritual or mental U-turn. This Neptune transit in Pisces of your solar Twelfth House has been there for years. From October 29th, Aries, fantastic solutions appear.

白羊宝宝 你的转变将来自于宗教、自我觉察、心理学和灵性的启示--当你能重新思考你对一些秘密和敏感场景的想法。每次遇到同样的海王星情景,你很有可能会陷入一种固定且强硬的反应方式,这反过来增加了你无所适从的迷茫感。你对这种生活情景感到愈发困惑,可能就越沉浸其中无法改变。千万别忘了呀,你其实可以自由灵活地从这个框架中走出来。用一种新的眼光和接地气的角度体会每一件事,一切都会大不相同。尽管你对自己的想法行动无从与他人诉说,这并不意味着你不能去做一个巨大的情感上、精神上或心理层面的转折。你永远都有选择权!这颗海王星在你的双鱼座十二宫已经呆很久了,从10月29日开始,白羊座你的惊喜解决方案就出现了。加油。Be Flexible. 

金牛座 Taurus

Do you have the power to ask the Post Office to put your head on their latest stamp, like your fellow Taurus native, Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II? Uranus and the North Node in Taurus, in the First House is all about your image, reputation and personal style. Put them together, and you are facing a hugely experimental period in your life, when you will spend a lot of time and energy testing the lab experiment which is yourself – in terms of your appearance, public profile and ‘package.’ What you revolutionise, in terms of your image or look, will demonstrate what is so liberating for you, to the rest of the world. So, this may be hair plugs, hair colours, teeth bleaching, a walking stick, public relations campaigns, or advertising brochures. Sometimes the issue is the role or title. That can change too.

你能不能让邮局把你的头像印邮票上,就像你的金牛座同胞伊丽莎白女王一样?哈哈哈开个英式玩笑。天王星和北交点都在金牛座,你的第一宫,那是关于你的形象、声誉和个人风格的事情。金牛宝宝 你正面临着人生中一个巨大的实验期,你将花费时间和精力来进行自我Test,包括你的外表、公众形象和人格面具。你在形象和外观上,会通过积极改变向世界展示对你来说的自由含义与符号。有可能是纹身、染发、美容和活跃的社交活动。有时候这关乎你的角色/头衔/标签,喜欢就保留,不喜欢换就好啦。Be You. 

双子座 Gemini

Chiron is now in your solar Ninth House of foreigners and foreign countries, with Jupiter. People’s jaws hit the floor when Chiron goes through your Ninth House, because they can’t quite believe what you’re up to with other nationalities or distant places. Remember, Chiron was discovered in 1977, the year that Punk Rock broke around the world. When Chiron is around in your house of travel, migrants, travellers and bilingual people, your inner punk tends to take over. The world says, ‘Oh no you can’t’ but Chiron makes you think ‘Oh yes I can.’ And each time you try, you extend the parameters a little further, leading to even more cocky experimentation. What you get away with now, in those terms, will prove to yourself, and others, how the new Covid world really works. Gemini, there is more to say about your finances too.

凯龙星(这是我喜欢的一颗⭐️,有关创伤疗愈与重生。后面会隆重介绍你们认识)在你的第九宫(代表外国/高等教育/国际移民旅行),还有木星陪着她。当凯龙星穿过你的第九宫时,你身边的人会大吃一惊,因为他们没想到你会异国遥远的地方有什么链接。小科普:凯龙星是在1977年被发现的,那一年朋克摇滚乐在全世界大爆发。当凯龙星出现在你的9宫时,双子宝宝 你内心的朋克感燃起来了。世界说 '哦 你不能',但凯龙星让你觉得'哦 我可以'。所以每次尝试你都会把程度再加大一点,让你的世界朋克感更强。从这些方面来看你现在所做的事,将向你自己和其他人证明,后疫情世界有新规则。Break & Build. 

巨蟹座 Cancer

You are now experiencing Saturn in your Eighth House of joint finance, and about to go into a Second House transit of some important, from July into August. Expect a test of your patience. The Second House is about your values. If what you do or say, in the name of your personal value system, seriously stretches you, there will be lessons learned It’s natural to want to deny the limits when Saturn is around. People are funny about money, but they are even funnier about ethical or moral issues. That is really what July and August, and particularly this week, suggests. It may be time to part company with your landlady, but your landlady is also virtually a partner. You may stand to inherit, but it involves family politics. Either way you get to test the parameters of what seems worth sticking with, or not.

目前土星在你的第八宫(金融财务宫位),并且即将进入你的第二宫。7月到8月是一个重要的过渡期,也是对你耐心的考验。第二宫有关你的价值观,特别是在物质世界中的价值观。如果在你的个人价值体系下所做的事或所说的话,已经让你感受到被拉扯,那这次你会有新的领悟。当土星在身边的时候,我们总会习惯性否认本就存在的局限。但是土星是谁,江湖人称“土爹”,行走江湖靠的就是一句" What doesn't kill you makes you stronger". 人们对于金钱和道德伦理的态度一直都很值得玩味。巨蟹宝宝 本周你会开始慢慢思考你的态度。举个例子,可能你房东人还不错,但是你计划搬家与她分道扬镳。可能你有机会继承家族资产,但要面临家庭政治的洗礼。想清楚什么值得坚持什么不值得。

狮子座 Leo

Chiron in your Ninth House of foreigners and foreign countries, is about stretching yourself, so that you can stretch the unwritten, or written, rules. In this cycle, you’ll also encounter the Chiron effect in relation to your worldwide web use. You’ll be put in a situation (perhaps more than once) where you can take a positively Punk Rock attitude towards your digital map. What is supposed to be normal, right and realistic will be of little interest to you, but what will intrigue you is the idea that you can get away with some adventurous, audacious plan. This cycle is about travel in a pandemic – day trips, weekend getaways and so on, following your conscience, and opting for ‘local as the new foreign’ rather than intensely risky long-haul holidays. This is where you’ll really show the world your inner Punk! Who said you can’t transport yourself in a completely different way, Leo? A Zoom with a View? Well perhaps. It’s not the Merchant Ivory film but it does have potential.

凯龙星在你的第九宫在拉扯你,以此来引动你对成文和不成文规则的审视,并且可能推动你在互联网/全球业务上的作用。狮子宝宝 你可能不止一次被赋予通过互联网来表达摇滚自由精神的机会。你对正常的正确的和现实的东西没什么兴趣,吸引你的反而是冒险大胆的逃跑计划,跟随本心去自由游周末游等等。用新的视角去探索你生活的城市街区,而不是一定要长途跋涉的旅行。向世界展示你内心的朋克精神! 谁说你只能一成不变,拿起放大镜去感受你生命的起伏和迸发出的力量。Be Free. 

处女座 Virgo

Chiron in Aries is in your Eighth House of joint finance, property, charity and business. Whatever your plans, rehearsal and preparation for the moment of truth near October 9th, 2022, will make all the difference. It’s easy to go off half-cocked now. However, you won’t have a confidence problem, as Chiron will help make you positively bullish about your chances with those plans for a charity, valuables, income, houses, flats, land or similar. That is, if you fancy yourself as a punk, Virgo. This strange half-comet, half-asteroid owes something to Saturn (which demands disciplined preparation) and Uranus (which demands a certain mad confidence) was found when punk rock broke in London. Thus, maverick attempts to push the envelope with leases, mortgages, bankers, shares, eBay and so on – but hopefully with ample preparation.

处女宝宝 落在白羊座的凯龙星在你的第八宫,这个掌管财务财产慈善和商业的宫位。你在为2022年10月9日前后的关键时刻进行着准备,这个新的计划将使一切变得不同。现在有点容易半途而废,但这不是你的信心问题,因为凯龙星会帮你照看在收入、房屋、土地等方面的机会。凯龙星这个半彗星半类星体在一定程度上有土星特质(纪律与规则)和天王星特质(热烈的自信)你在房屋租赁、抵押贷款、股票金融等商业层面会有创造力和推陈出新,但也要做好充足的准备。Be Prepared. 

天秤座 Libra

Pluto in Capricorn asks you to dig deeper now. The culture and tradition of your family is now up for inspection. What you prove, in family terms, could become the new rule – if you use your willpower to empower yourself. You are rapidly approaching a time, Libra, when anyone or anything that took the power away from you, with the family, house, apartment or household – is irrelevant. You will take back control. If you have one or more planets clustering in the Fourth House of your natal chart, in Cancer, this month will be pivotal, not only in terms of the family, but also in terms of where you live, and how you live. Some time ago now, you felt that others were taking over. It didn’t end there, and the remnants remain. Now, you have seen a way to right some wrongs from the past and make a fresh start. Pluto is very much backing that. There is more to say about a partnership, too, Libra. Or a duel.

在摩羯座的冥王星会要求你更深的自我挖掘,你需要审视一直以来接受到的家庭文化和传统观念。在家庭方面,你所证明的规则可以成为新的规则--如果你用你的个人意志力来让自己充满力量(让自我的力量壮大)。你正在迅速接近一个新的纪元,任何人或事物要从你手中夺走权力,包括你的家庭、房子、公寓或继承权,不会再发生。你将夺回控制权。如果你有一颗或多颗行星聚集在你星盘的第四宫或巨蟹座,这个月将是关键的。不仅与原生家庭有关,还包括你居住的地方和你的生活方式。天秤宝宝 你觉得别人在接管你的人生已经有那么长一段时间,但事情并不会就此结束,还会有残余的东西需要面对。现在你已经看到了一个可以纠正过去错误的方法,并且准备有一个新的开始。秉持不破不立大破大立的冥王星非常支持这一点。为这场大合作/大决斗冲呀!Be A Fignter.

天蝎座 Scorpio

Boundaries are useful with a younger generation, or courtship. The world of children and babies will also encourage you to be more boundary-conscious now. This is a classic cycle for confused processes with adoption because it’s still an aspect of parenting that can be too complicated – boundaries, again. It’s also very common to find yourself exploring all sorts of fuzzy questions about how to educate your child, or to manage their health or diet. Neptune in Pisces in your solar Fifth House has a lot to answer for. Your own son or daughter may be involved, or your stepchild, godchild, grandchild, niece or nephew could be the focus. All aspects of pregnancy will be influenced by this Neptune cycle now too – from IVF treatment to midwives. The world of children may also trigger other floating patches of fuzzy thinking. To contain and control what is going on, you have to either draw the line in the sand, or actually rebuild a sea wall that has been crumbling. It’s the same with courtship, Scorpio, which this cycle also involves. Tremendous solutions appear when Jupiter joins Neptune from the end of October, but until then this is yours to rein in. If you are feeling all at sea when it comes to the young, or a lover, then you know it’s time to drop anchor and get real.

边界感对恋爱关系和养育孩子都很有用,这也是当代父母/年轻人的新课题。你可能发现自己在眼花缭乱的研究一系列关于孩子的问题,从如何教育孩子到如何管理孩子的健康或饮食。本周海王星落在双鱼座且位于第五宫,你的孩子或你家族的小朋友是重点领域,怀孕方面也会受到这个海王星的影响,下一代的世界也可能引发其他领域的思考和探索。为了面对正在和即将发生的事情,天蝎宝宝 你必须自己在地上划出界线或重建已经崩塌的大坝(对待恋爱也是如此)。当木星从10月底开始与海王星结合时,新的解决方案就会出现,但在那之前你要稳住。如果你面对孩子或恋人感到无所适从的时候,你就知道是时候抛锚停船做点实际的事了。

射手座 Sagittarius

Chiron rules daring. Jupiter rules optimism. Put them together in your house of courtship and heirs, and you can see what’s possible. You can attempt audacious acts in your love life now, but also against with children. At the same time, you can be on the receiving end of extraordinarily cocky behaviour from other people. Your ex and the custody, for example. Your husband’s attitude towards your son. The class you teach! The whole point of this cycle is to show you what’s possible, and what’s not, in your personal relationships, where there is a generation gap, or at the very least, a royal bedchamber involved. What you and others get away with now will show the rest of us where the boundaries have moved to, as well. Chiron brings outrageous experiments by you, and those around you. That way, everyone can see where they stand.

凯龙星掌管着你的大胆,木星掌管着你的乐观。把它们一起放在你的第五宫,会有什么事情发生呢?射手宝宝 你可以在你的爱情生活中大胆尝试,也可以与孩子正面交锋,同时你可能会受到其他人行为的影响。在恋爱关系中比如前任,在家庭关系中比如爱人。这个周期的意义在于让你觉察在个人关系中,什么是可能的,什么是不可能的。比如不可跨越的代沟和差距。也是如此。凯龙星通过让你和你周围的人做出的事,让你们察觉边界现在在哪里,而也能更看清每个人的位置。Be Observant. 

摩羯座 Capricorn

The house or flat? The property portfolio? Chiron describes audacious attempts which either fail and tell us what’s frankly impossible – or the most daring bullseyes, which suddenly make it clear that almost anything is achievable. Jupiter is there too, so you are in luck until October. It depends on your timing, your preparation, and your ability to properly assess the odds. The cycle resumes in January 2023. It’s great that you are so convinced about what more cynical types think is frankly impossible, or even outrageous, Capricorn. Sometimes what is supposed to be so inconceivable is far from it. The time may have arrived for you to stretch yourself further, with the house or flat, and stretch the boundaries of what’s okay, in terms of property in general. So – if you’ve done your research and feel adequately prepared, think about it.

投资房子还是公寓?选用哪种财产组合?凯龙星带来的大胆尝试带来一种结果,要么通过失败来坦率地表达不可能,要么用最耀眼的收获让人瞬间get一切皆有可能。木星也在这个位置,所以你在10月之前都挺幸运的。结果取决于你的时机,你的准备, 和你正确评估机会的能力。这个周期在2023年1月又会再次开始。你对那些愤世嫉俗的人认为不可能的事有自己的信仰,摩羯宝宝。不可思议本身就不可思议。你已经到了要进一步伸展自己的时候了,思考在房子或公寓和一般财产方面,如何调整自己的边界是好的。如果你已经做了足够的研究和充足的准备,请认真考虑下吧。Be Lucky.

水瓶座 Aquarius

Your local travel plans can seem particularly cocky (if not over-confident) to other people in 2022, but that doesn’t really matter…the main question is, can you pull it off? You are unlikely to want anything too regular on the local holiday agenda while Chiron is in the Third House of short journeys. Proving to yourself, and to the world, that you can go here, at this time, especially in this pandemic – changes everything. You’ll now have very different ideas about what’s fair on others, in terms of your regional or staycation trips – and that in turn will alter your travel agenda until October, then from January to May 2023. The usual Chiron rules apply. This strange half-comet, half-asteroid is neither moral nor immoral – it’s neither bad, nor good. It’s just about having the bollocks to do what is popularly supposed to be out of the question.

2022年你的旅行计划在别人眼里可能显得有点夸张,但这都不重要。重点是你能顺利成行不?当凯龙星在你的第三宫游玩到10月,你可能不太希望有个循规蹈矩的旅行议程。在后疫情时代,向你自己和世界表明你此刻来过这里,本身就有其意义在。你在旅行中会以一种不同的方式来思考对他人公平的议题,这反过来也会改变你的旅行计划。凯龙星这颗不寻常的半人半马🐴星,既不是道德的,也不是不道德的。它既不是不好的,也不是好的。水瓶宝宝 这只是让你要有胆量去做人们认为不可能的事情。Be Spontaneous.

双鱼座 Pisces

August calls. It’s decision time for your job, then. If you are retired, unemployed or have full-time home duties, this general message about a crossroads that month, applies to your most important ambitions. How do you define your work ethic as well as success? Where are you headed, in terms of your status and achievements, if you also have to factor in health and lifestyle? That’s where you’ll now feel like making some mid-year choices. You now need to work extremely hard at becoming a pro in August – in terms of what you want to achieve. So, this week is about pre-planning with your diary in hand.

八月在召唤。那么现在是你工作的决定时间。如果你退休/赋闲在家/全职照顾家庭,本月有个与你的野心相关的十字路口。你如何定义你的职业道德以及事业成功?就你的地位和成就而言,如果你还兼兼顾健康的生活方式,你想往哪儿走?这就是你感觉需要做一些年中选择的地方。你现在需要瞄准你的目标,非常努力地工作直到8月份。双鱼宝宝们,本周做好工作规划冲一波!Be Ambitious.

英文来源: Jessica Adams Horoscope  中文翻译: Vic

Our history is not our destiny. 

- 祝你平安又快乐

- 希望文字给你那么一丢丢力量

- Peace V

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    茶点故事阅读 41,979评论 3 334
  • 文/蒙蒙 一、第九天 我趴在偏房一处隐蔽的房顶上张望。 院中可真热闹,春花似锦、人声如沸。这庄子的主人今日做“春日...
    开封第一讲书人阅读 32,470评论 0 24
  • 文/苍兰香墨 我抬头看了看天上的太阳。三九已至,却和暖如春,着一层夹袄步出监牢的瞬间,已是汗流浃背。 一阵脚步声响...
    开封第一讲书人阅读 33,571评论 1 272
  • 我被黑心中介骗来泰国打工, 没想到刚下飞机就差点儿被人妖公主榨干…… 1. 我叫王不留,地道东北人。 一个月前我还...
    沈念sama阅读 49,041评论 3 377
  • 正文 我出身青楼,却偏偏与公主长得像,于是被迫代替她去往敌国和亲。 传闻我的和亲对象是个残疾皇子,可洞房花烛夜当晚...
    茶点故事阅读 45,630评论 2 359
