1. 认识这个词(基础篇)
英英释义:difficult to believe because it is very unlikely
例句:Without timely and appropriate feedback, it is far-fetched to suggest that practice makes perfect.
2. 体会这个词 (进阶篇)
“far-fetched”是形容词,最常见的意思是“难以置信”“牵强附会的”,因此可以常用来替换 unbelievable, unlikely 等词形容一个观点或想法。far-fetched 是口语和写作中都可以用到的好词,我们通过几个例子掌握它的用法。
The conspiracy theory sounds bizarre and far-fetched.
The movie is action-packed and exciting, but the storyline strikes many as far-fetched.
Without timely and appropriate feedback, it is far-fetched to suggest that practice makes perfect.
《经济学人》中也经常用到 far-fetched,比如:
1)Just a few years ago the notion of using a computer to deliver television seemed far-fetched.
2)Speculating about the future, even if it is far-fetched, can help people and institutions cope with what comes next.
3)The idea that HBS is responsible for the ills of Western civilisation is far-fetched. (HBS指的是哈佛商学院,Harvard Business School)
3. 从认识到会用(作业)
The idea of traveling to the moon seems not so far-fetched.
The imaginary machines, such as hoverboards and flying cars are no longer so far-fetched.
(参考翻译:The thought of traveling to the moon no longer seems so far-fetched.)