In this chapter, we will talk about "What's the Propisition and Why"
First we should know not only coming to terms but making propositions occurs among traders as well as in the world of book.
You may ask what is proposition?A proposition in a book is also a declaration.It's an expression of the author's judgement about something. What's more, proposition in reading is diffierent from that in business. They have opposite orders.
There is another thing we must know that is the author's propositions are nothing but expressios of opinion unless there is some reason for them.
Now that we know propositions are expression of opinion, maybe they are not always right. You should deal with arguments of all sorts.
You work down to proposition and arguments by dividing the book into its parts. You work up to arguments by seeing how they composed of propositions and ultimately of terms. If you have completed these two readings, you can really say you know the contents of a book.
The rule about words and terms we have refered is very important for this chapter. Because words and terms do not stand in one-to-one relation.
On one hand,words are ambiguous and can be used in various senses. On the other hand sentences are not simple.They are complex sentence.Because of this ,each of us should have good comand of grammers.
It is not enough if we only know words and sentences.You should know the terms the words express,you have caught the proposition in the sentence.However most of our students are materialists to begin with.They have difficulty in knowing what words to make,what sentences to underline.So they have difficulty in understanding proposition.
In conclusion,this chapter talked about terms,proposition,and arguments.And most of us know the importance of these three rules. When you have mastered them,you will keep your eyes and minds open and your mouth shut. Beyond that, you can follow the author then come to terms with the author.