06/Feb 《Principles》Part II - Life Principle Chapter 4 (Page 193-220)
Chapter 4: Understand That People Are Wired Very Differently
- Based on Neuroscience, every and all individual has different Neuro and wires between all of them. Leading the behaviour or thinking of different people are totally different!
- Understand and be aware difference among people.
Getting right people in the right roles in support of your goal is the key to succeeding in whatever you choose to accomplish.
Different Brain
Reading notes / understanding:
- 每一个个体的大脑的不同,造就了不同的想法世界观等等。有一个心理学的说法,我们每时每刻所接受的数据如果是200Mbits/second, 大脑能接受的就只能有 134bit/second. 没错,百万分之一都不到,首先我们接受理解事物的不同,加上大脑不同的处理能力,更加早就了每个人看待事情的不一致!
Our difference weren't a product of poor communication; it was the other way around. Our difference ways of thinking led to our poor communications!
- Chapter 3 讲到要Radical open-mindedness, 当理解了这一章讲到每个人的差异,就需要更加的开放与包容。当你听到不一样的意见时候,就应该觉得很正常,从基因、大脑构造上就应该想法不一致,不是吗?😝
如何去判断周围的人的特点呢?Ray给了好几个建议的模型:MBTI,Baseball Card,Workplace Personality Inventory, Team Dimensions Profile and Stratified System Theory. 👍Find out what you and others are like
- 最后Ray 建议,在一个合作共赢的时代,认清自己,同时非常重要的是认清别人的特点,借用王煜全老师常说的一句话:要和别人积木式创新,用多方的长版做成一个更大的木桶!
P.S. Shaper = Visionary + Pratical Thinker + Determined