练习材料:(从今天起开始回到L1 A private conversation)
I turned round. I looked at the man and the woman angrily. They did not pay any attention. In the end, I could not bear it. I turned round again. 'I can't hear a word!' I said angrily. ‘It’s none of your business,' the young man said rudely. 'This is a private conversation!' (31'')
aɪ tɜːnd raʊnd. aɪ lʊkt æt ðə mæn ænd ðə ˈwʊmən ˈæŋgrɪli. ðeɪ dɪd nɒt peɪ ˈɛni əˈtɛnʃ(ə)n. ɪn ði ɛnd, aɪ kʊd nɒt beər ɪt. aɪ tɜːnd raʊnd əˈgɛn. aɪ kɑːnt hɪər ə wɜːd!' aɪ sɛd ˈæŋgrɪli. ɪts nʌn ɒv jɔː ˈbɪznɪs,' ðə jʌŋ mæn sɛd ˈruːdli. ðɪs ɪz ə ˈpraɪvɪt ˌkɒnvəˈseɪʃən!'
L0:朗读NCE II, L1(1):原声31''
L4:练习感悟:练习时长15分钟。有一个连读looked at,一开始倒不过来,后来放松读反倒好多了。重点在语气,我把自己当做 I。