step 1:杀死心中恐惧,终归于尘土,想好的事情就去做-不要怕
step 2:深度思考,用心 不要只是埋头努力,伪努力-要思考
step 3:不纠结,不较真,不用压力太大
step 4: 坚持不懈,至少3-5 年,在想要发展的领域疯狂的行动和高密度的锻炼,人性上的锻炼,勇气上的锻炼,还有心力上的锻炼
不要心乱,不依赖别人,if you can't, just learn, check the information and watch the video, feel slowly, no matter how difficult the process is
如果凡事只是想蒙混过关,出来混都是要还的,困难只会越来越多,we need to have ability to solve problems independently in order to grow up better. you have to try it again and again, time and time again to stand the risk of it and accept the test of success and failure time and time again.
step 5: 相信自己的价值 if you believe you are valuable the whole world will make way for you.