The geometry of each view is defined by its frame and bounds properties.The frame property defines the origin and dimensions of the view in the coordinate system of its superview.The bounds property defines the internal dimensions of the view as it sees them and is used almost exclusively in custom drawing code.The center property provides a convenient way to reposition a view without changing its frame or bounds properties directly.
frame: 描述当前视图在其父视图中的坐标位置和大小,用于确定与视图层次结构中其他视图的相对位置,从而将自己的图层与其他视图的图层正确组合成屏幕上的图像。
bounds: 描述当前视图在其自身坐标系统的位置和大小,用于确定绘制区域,避免将自己绘制到图层边界之外。
center: 描述当前视图的中心在其父视图中的位置