• 熟词生义 •
1. [ fair ]
在文中是“肤色白皙的”意思,英文解释为"pale or light-colored skin",常见的意思是“公平的”。
原句:He has just come from the tropics, for his face is dark, and that is not the natural color of his skin, for his wrists are fair.
2.[ remark ]
原句:“You would lose your money,” Sherlock Holmes remarked calmly.
3. [ click ]
原句:He clicked his heels together, raised his hand.
• 今日讲义 •
1. It attempted to show how much an observant man might learn by an accurate and careful examination of all that came in his way.
It 代指那本书,这本书尝试着展现一个善于观察的人能学到多少,by通过精确而且仔细的审视他在人生道路遇到的问题。难点在于[ all that came in his way ],all 理解为问题,难题。拟人化came看做问题主动走到你的way上。come in one's way,碰见。
2. The writer claimed by a temporary expression, a twitch of a muscle or a glance( 一瞥 ) of an eye, to find out a man’s inner thoughts.
3.“From a drop of water,” said the writer, “a logician could gather the possibility of an Atlantic or a Niagara without having seen or heard of one or the other. So all life is a great chain, the nature of which is known whenever we are shown a single link of it.
这句话是一叶知秋,以小见大的感觉。“仅仅依靠一滴水,”作者如是写道,“推理专家就可以推断出这滴水是来自大西洋还是尼亚加拉河,不需要耳闻目睹。因此,万事万物就像一根巨大的链条,只需要看到其中的一个环link,我们就可以了解万事万物的本质。 which代指前面的all life。
尼亚加拉河(Niagara River)位于北美洲的五大湖区。尼加拉河自伊利湖流注安大略湖,为美国纽约州与加拿大安大略省的界河。集水面积包括苏必略湖、密西根湖、休伦湖和伊利湖水系,总计约67.3万平方千米,为北美水力资源最丰富的水道之一。
4.I should like to see him sit down in a third class carriage on the Underground, and figure out the profession of all the travelers. I would lay a thousand to one against him.
“I should like to”有“我想要,我喜欢”的意思。但此处联系上下文我们可以知道,华生不相信报纸上那篇文章的内容,并不觉得这篇文章的作者有多厉害。所以说这句话的时候,暗含轻蔑。因此这里I should like to译为“我倒想……” figure out 弄清楚
5.Yes, I have a natural talent both for observation and for deduction.
observation and deduction:观察法和演绎法。这就是Sherlock Holmes探案时所使用的两种最基本的方法。
1.I observe everything.(我观察一切。)
2.From what I observe, I deduce everything. (根据我的观察,我推理一切。)
3.When I've eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, no matter how mad it might seem, must be the truth. (当排除了一切不可能的情况,剩下的,不管看起来多么难以置信,都一定是真相。)
英国还有个网站叫做the science of deduction(http://www.thescienceofdeduction.co.uk/), 里面有一些推理小游戏,有兴趣的同学可以去玩耍。
6.They lay all the evidence before me, and I am generally able to give them the right idea, with the help of my knowledge of the history of crime. Lestrade is a well-known detective. He got himself into a mess recently over a case. That’s what brought him here.
他们将所有的证据罗列在我面前,正因为我对犯罪史十分了解,我往往能给他们正确的(指导)意见。雷斯垂德是一个颇负盛名的侦探。最近被一件案子搞的晕头转向。所以他来到了这儿(求助于我)。「get into a mess 」(陷入困境)。
作为全世界唯一的consulting detective(侦探顾问),傲娇的Sherlock经常帮助其他侦探破案,其中也包括大名鼎鼎的雷斯垂德侦探,连他被案子弄昏头脑时,也会来这儿向Sherlock求助。可见,我们最爱的Sherlock真的厉害!
7.I knew you came from Afghanistan. From long habit the sequence of thoughts ran so swiftly through my mind that I arrived at the conclusion without being aware of the intermediate steps. …The whole train of thought did not take a second. I then remarked that you came from Afghanistan, and you were shocked.
我知道你是从阿富汗回来的。习惯使然,一系列的想法在我的脑海中飞快运转,以至于我在得出结论时,没有觉察到中间这些步骤/过程……「 From long habit」有“习惯使然”的意思,这一推理的“绝技”是Sherlock久而久之形成的习惯。
判断Dr. Watson从阿富汗回到英国的经典桥段,便是Sherlock在书中第一次展示他的演绎推理,他还解释了自己的大脑的推理如此迅速。以至于当他说出结论时,对方都觉得他要么是瞎猜的,要么是听来的。
8.No man lives, or has ever lived, who has brought the same amount of study and of natural talent to the detection of crime as I have done.
这句话正常语序应该是:No man who has brought the same amount of study and of natural talent to the detection of crime as I have done lives, or has ever lived. 前无古人,当下也没有人像我一样有丰富的知识和与生俱来的侦探天赋
这句话的定语部分是who引导的后面的整个句子,修饰的前面的man,表示“当下活着的人或者曾经活过的人”;定语部分大家要注意两个并列的部分,amount of study and amount of natural talent 丰富的知识和与生俱来的天赋,以及最后那个as I have done (就像我所做的一样)。
9.There is no crime to detect, or, at most, some stupid crimes with a motive so obvious that even a Scotland Yard official can see through it.
如果有我这样的人存在,世上就不会有案子需要去侦破,或者,至少没有那么蠢的案子连警察厅都能搞定。这句话是Sherlock在嘲讽Scotland Yard(苏格兰场),说有些案子蠢得连苏格兰场的人也可以搞定。苏格兰场是伦敦警察厅的别称,这个名称来源于最初警察厅的总部地址,警察厅有一个后门位于一条叫Great Scotland Yard的街道。后来,这个门变成了警局的公共出入口,慢慢地大家也就把伦敦警察厅叫做苏格兰场了。
10.“But do you mean to say,” I said.
“that without leaving your room you can undo some knots which other men cannot figure out, although they have seen every detail for themselves?”
“Quite so.“
「undo knot」(解开结)可以抽象为“解开谜团”之意,而「figure out」也是一个近义表达,是“指出,指明”之意。这句话再次展示了他的高明,和其他侦探的愚蠢——就算拿到案件细节,依旧不能推断出结论。
11.The thought had hardly passed through my mind when the man whom we were watching caught sight of the number on our door, and ran rapidly across the road.
「 hardly…when…」: 一……就……,这个结构相当于as soon as。这句话是说Dr.Watson脑海中的话音刚落,街上那个男人就看到他们门上的门牌号,然后迅速地跑过了马路。再如: I had hardly arrived home when it rained. (我刚到家就下雨了。)此处,「catch sight of 」有“发现”之意。
pick up 捡起,偶然学会
far-fetched 牵强的,不着边际的
figure out sth 弄清楚…….
manage to do sth 成功的做了某事
put sb on the right scent 使某人找到正确线索
get into a mess 陷入困境
undo knot 解开谜题
turn up 出现
lay down 阐述
second nature 第二天性
nothing of the sort! 哪有这回事!
arrive at a conclusion 得出结论
be aware of 意识到
catch sight of 看见