discrepancy TEM8 TEM4 GRE
UK /dɪˈskrep.ən.si/ US /dɪˈskrep.ən.si/
noun, If there is a discrepancy between two things that ought to be the same, there is a noticeable difference between them.差异,不符,不一致,出入
1. The letter also questioned why there were discrepancies between certain batches of ballots and log sheets, and why broken seals were found in ballot boxes.(Seattle Times)
2. This discrepancy undermines the ability of the public to hold officers responsible when they fail to protect and serve.(Washington Post)
3. In the Friday conference call, Colonel Conricus at one point tried to minimize the damage, saying that the discrepancy was only “about a few meters — it’s not a very big difference.”(New York Times)
4. Those are kept separately, sequestered from the internet, and they are — once tallied and checked for discrepancies — the official results of any election.(Seattle Times)
5. Those are kept separately, sequestered from the Internet, and they are — once tallied and checked for discrepancies — the official results of any election.(Washington Post)
6. Facebook is taking steps to appease advertisers after acknowledging over the past year and a half several discrepancies or flaws in its data, which undermined marketers’ trust in the company’s data-reporting practices.(Wall Street Journal)
7. Ms. Hobbs also said the procedures for checking the accuracy of the effort included no “reliable process for ensuring consistency and resolving discrepancies” among the three separate counts of ballots.(New York Times)
8. But eagle-eyed YouTubers called foul, pointing to discrepancies in at least three different videos produced by Driven+ that claim to depict the cockpit of the Tuatara on its record run.(Seattle Times)
9. “There were no signs of accounting discrepancies,” said Chromik, one of several senior bankers to field questions at the investigative committee into Wirecard on Thursday.(Reuters)
10. “There’s a huge discrepancy between what people who sold the insurance told me then and what actually happens,” he said.(Reuters)
11. The equity discrepancy is even more stark for female founders: Women founders own 39 cents of every dollar of equity a male founder owns, the study found.(Wall Street Journal)
12. Banks employ armies of people in back offices, looking for discrepancies that may betoken fraud or honest error.(TheEconomist)
big, glaring, great, huge, large, major, marked, serious, significant, substantial, minor, slight, small, apparent discrepancy
account for, explain, discover, find, note, notice, observe, point out, reveal, show, ignore, reconcile, resolve discrepancy | discrepancy
exist, arise, occur
discrepancy between, in
"variance or contrariety, especially of facts or sentiments," mid-15c. (discrepauns, discrepance), from Latin discrepantia "discordance, discrepancy," from discrepantem (nominative discrepans), present participle of discrepare "sound differently, differ," from dis- "apart, off" (see dis-) + crepare "to rattle, crack" (see raven). Modern form is from early 17c.
contrast, difference, disagreement, disparateness, disparity, dissimilarity, distinction, distinctiveness, diversity, unlikeness
alikeness, analogousness, analogy, community, likeness, resemblance, sameness, similarity
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