beseech TEM8 GRE
UK /bɪˈsiːtʃ/ US /bɪˈsiːtʃ/
vt, If you beseech someone to do something, you ask them very eagerly and anxiously.恳求,央求,哀求
1. The move followed a meeting Thursday at which family members of those arrested beseeched the king to release the prisoners, according to a statement from the palace.(Washington Post)
2. And many leaders beseeched the world to act more urgently — and find more money — to help nations already grappling with existential threats from rising seas and other impacts.(Seattle Times)
3. But as letters from his Southern supporters beseeched him for help, Grant realized that the Klan threatened to undo the U.S. government’s postwar efforts to create a multiracial democracy.(Washington Post)
4. At the same time, a number of moderate Democrats beseeched Pelosi to advance some sort of coronavirus package before the election.(Fox News)
5. And while some firms showed continuing interest in cutting emissions, executives beseeched policymakers to help.(Washington Post)
6. In Iberia Parish, on the central Louisiana coast, the local authorities beseeched residents living in low-lying areas prone to flooding and near bayous, lakes and drainage structures to evacuate.(New York Times)
7. Several times she beseeched the crowd to quieten down, gently at first, imploringly: “It really puts me uptight and I forget the words and I get nervous,” she told them three songs in.(The Guardian)
8. "Keep in mind that we are testing this month in May in our country about 10 million times. That’s twice as much as any other country," he beseeched.(Fox News)
9. “We beseech the WHO not to put Taiwan’s information under China, creating mistake after mistake after mistake.”(Reuters)
10. Charter’s boss, Tom Rutledge, wrote a public letter to Robert Marcus, the boss of TWC, beseeching him to consider the offer, and held a conference call to seek shareholders’ backing for the bid.( TheEconomist)
11. Meanwhile she’s beseeching established Dutch innovators to act as mentors to startup entrepreneurs in the Netherlands.(Forbes)
12. "All right, Texas, we got here via Bibles and guns. I'm fixin' to pray to the one who made that possible," Duck Commander patriarch Phil Robertson beseeched in his invocation before the race.(Los Angeles Times)
beseech sb to do sth | beseech sb for help
c. 1200, bisecen "to entreat, beg urgently," from Old English besecan; see be- + seek. "In contrast to the simple vb., in which the northern seek has displaced the southern seech, in the compound beseech has become the standard form" [OED]. Cognate with Old Frisian biseka "deny, dispute," Dutch bezoeken, Old High German bisuochan. German cognate besuchen is merely "to visit."
beseeches, beseeching, besought, beseeched
appeal (to), beg, besiege, conjure, entreat, impetrate, implore, importune, petition, plead (to), pray, solicit, supplicate, call on(upon)
give, offer, reply, grant, allow, provide, supply, reject, refuse, oppose, ignore, disregard
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