In sprite of the embarrassment, our cunning mind has the capability of finding satisfaction quickly in the new conclusion, so that we will turn to condemn and discard the old conclusion and substitute the new one for the old one. Please be alert if we have derived any positive meanings from the new conclusion and thus cherish the new sense of certainty and safety in it?
Once you have an awareness of the above pattern, maybe you will have some new understanding.
As to the pleasure and bitterness, as long as we cherish the sense of certainty and safety in pleasure, we will do our best to run away from the bitterness, obviously this is only escape from the fact and self-cheating using the illusion. If we indulge in the pleasure and unwilling to face the bitterness directly, no problem, just continue to enjoy the illusion until we have no room to escape into and we are forced to deal with the suffering, this moment will come finally and that will be the best opportunity for us to pierce into the illusion and understand the truth.
I will continue to reply this evening.
@晓冬 Winter L ,之前我说我读克的原文版书,所有@阿布 就非要与我用英语对话,我也正好练练写英文。用汉语交流当然更自如一些,不过昨天木兄也说过,英文是精确的语言,而汉语是模糊语言,我深以为然。
The mind inclines to divide one thing into two, such as positive desires or negative desires, the moral systems are based on this duality. Actually I am afraid I do not think there is any intrinsic difference between the two types with regards to their spiritual effects.
When you set independence as your goal and then pursue it, your mind will always project a fake success and meanwhile escape from its opposite —- dependence, to please you, as I said yesterday. This is the so-called positive method, 有为法 in chinese. I believe we have talked on this topic many times.
The reliance is only a kind of psychological projection, when we are mesmerized in it, we can escape from something negative and meanwhile get something positive. Don’t suppress the desire of reliance, don’t suppress or escape from or fight against the confusion regarding conclusions , just stay with it without any desire to change it, as we discussed before.
在克的语境下,有为,大致等于他说的positive,一种积极的主动的有为,比如thinker与thought,the observer与the observed的二元对立,就是thinker积极地卖力地试图制伏thought。无为,大致等于他说的passive,放下thinker的企图心,反而可能获得二元对立泯化的契机。无所住,不执着于任何认识、感受、模式、意义、价值……心不驻扎于任何安定感中,包括对所谓定义给出的明确感、安定感。
我是学理工的,但这里不是思辨群,所以我不去做逻辑严谨的定义,以上模糊定义的目的,是试探我们是否有共识,如果有,则彼此立即把定义破掉,悠然心会;如果没有,也非常正常,但辩论是不必要的,因为我的定义已经抹掉了,否则容易导致克说的conditioned mind。