英语词组搭配积累 | 第六轮


1. crackpot ideas/theories 离奇古怪的想法,理论

2. undo the economic gains 破坏经济收益

3. propaganda outlets 宣传媒体

4. slap down the critics 粗暴地禁止,镇压

5. be thick with 充满;the world is thick with

6. top up 加满,充值;增加top up his savings

7. on the dole 领取救济金

8. upwards of 多余...., 以上

9. prime the pump 促进;采取措施发展经济

10. the full gamut of 全部,全范围

11. a battery of tests 一连串的测试

12. leave the door open 为... 保留可能性;为...留下了机会 The movie’s ending left the door open for a sequel.

13. kick off (with)  开始;开局;Kick in 奏效

14. a pain in the neck 讨厌的人或事;= a pain in the butt/ass

15. average Joe n. 普通人,平常人

16. rein sb/sth back; rein sth in 严格管控,强化管理;eg: We need to rein back public spending.

17. sitting president 现任总统;interim president 临时的

18. lash out 猛击,猛烈抨击;大肆挥霍

19. alibi n. 不在犯罪现场证明;借口,托词

20. in droves 成群结队地; They left in droves.

21. headless chicken 无头苍蝇

22. hot air 夸夸其谈,大话,空话

23. op-ed 报纸上的评论版

24. saving grace 仅有的优点,唯一可取之处,可弥补缺点的优点

25. rip off 偷窃;扯掉;欺诈;剥削

26. relish sth/doing sth 喜欢,享受,从中获益;to relish a challenge喜欢打架;relish cleaning喜欢打扫;

27. breakneck pace n.危险的速度;极快的速度

28. big cheese n. 要人,大人物;

29. get one’s act together 行动起来

30. dressing-down n. 训斥,责骂;receive a dressing-down = berate v. 斥责,痛骂

31. vie for 竞争;

32. crow about 吹嘘; =trumpet 宣扬,鼓吹

33. play to one’s strength 发挥出自己的力量

34. a dime a dozen 多得很;不稀罕;不值钱;容易得到的;比比皆是的

35. be/on the warpath 怒不可遏,准备开火

36. pick up the gauntlet 迎战,护卫

37. pick up the mantle 承担起责任;mantle n. (可继承的)责任,衣钵;覆盖层;披风,斗篷;地幔

38. pile on the agony/gloom 使雪上加霜,伤口上撒盐;Bosses pilled on the agony with threats of more job losses. 情况更加恶化

39. grease the wheels v.使顺利进行,贿赂

40. top up the oil 加满油,top up 补足,补给

41. hold away over sth 有支配sth,左右sth的权利,力量

42. on the blink 出毛病了,坏了,出故障了,身体不舒服;in the blink of an eye 眨眼的功夫

43. ride shotgun 坐在车的前排座位上

44. muddle through 应付过去,混过去

45. the carrot and (the) stick (approach)胡萝卜加大棒;威逼利诱;zcarrot n. (为说服人做某事所做出许诺的)报酬,好处;eg: They are holding out a carrot of $120 million in economic aid.

46. pick up the pieces (跌倒后)重新爬起来(对孩子讲的话);收拾残局

47. 强有力的支持 enjoy strong backing from ...

48. in its wake 作为...的结果;随着...而来;in one’s wake

49. dispense a prescription 按处方配药;prescribe drugs 开药

50. top-notch adj. 最好的,卓越的,一流的

51. keep tabs on 监视,密切注意

52. keep a low key 保持低调

53. spare tire 备胎;rebound guy/girl 备胎(爱情中)

54. cram school 补习班;补习学校;强化学校

55. far/further afield 远离家乡的,远方;as far afraid as... eg: You can hire a car if you want to explore further afield.

56. have little scope to 没有余地...

57. in a break with previous practice 和之前做法不同的是...;Break in sth/with sb/sth (持续一段时间的状况的)改变,中止,中断;eg: a break with tradition/convention 突破传统,破除习俗;a break in the weather 天气转变;a break in diplomatic relations 外交关系的中断

58. bar a dearth of ... 不缺乏...

59. bike lanes 自行车车道

60. stop-gas measures 权宜之计

61. on first glance 乍看之下

62. is still in the single digits. 还仅仅是个位数

63. home turf 国内市场;

64. all-hands-on-deck strategy 全员参与的;全体船员到甲板上集合

65. at one’s disposal 由sb自行支配

66. make the leap 实现飞跃

67. a ballpark figure 大约的数字,近似的数字;ballpark n. 棒球场;数字可变的范围

68. prune n. 干梅子;v. 修剪树枝;裁员;All roses require annual pruning. 需要年年修剪

69. break the impasse 打破僵局;死路

70. on a par with 与...同等;和...一样

71. a bolt from the blue 意外事件;晴天霹雳;飞来横祸

72. be a lost cause 已注定的败局;注定要失败的

73. be for a good cause; be in a good cause 做好事,行善事

74. price gouging 哄抬物价;价格欺骗

75. bumper profits 丰厚的利润

76. use a sledgehammer to crack a nut 轮着大锤砸核桃;杀鸡用牛刀

77. cost-plus price 成本加成价格

78. a glut of 大量的;供应过剩;供过于求;(-shortage)

79. wade in 插手,介入,猛烈攻击

80. rally around 团结在...周围

81. swathes of 大块的,大片的 (swath)

82. swathe n. 收割庄稼的一长条田地;v. 包裹上,覆盖;

83. cut a swathe through sth 把某地夷为平地,使某地大部分遭到破坏

84. buzz with 充满兴奋(活动等)The place was buzzing with journalists. New York buzzes from dawn to dusk.

- buzz about/around 忙的团团转;I’ve been buzzing around town all day sorting out my trip.

- buzz off 走开!Buzz off and let me get on with my work.

- give sb a buzz 给某人打电话;I’ll give you a buzz on Monday, ok?

83. pounce on/upon 一眼就看出,抓紧机会(以便批评)His comments were pounced upon by the press.

84. bring sb to heel 使sb就范,顺从;让狗靠近,唤狗到身边来(被动);sb come to heel 某人愿意听从sb;顺从;狗狗走近主人(主动)

- at/on sb’s heel 紧跟某人;He fled from the stadium with the police at his heels.

- hard/hot on sb’s/sty’s heels 紧跟;紧在其后;News of riding unemployment followed hard on the heels of falling export figures. 出口数字下降之后紧接着就是失业率上升的消息

- take to your heels 逃走,溜掉

- turn/spin on your heel 急着向后转;突然转身;

- under the heel of sb 完全受某人控制

- heel over v.(船)倾斜,倾侧;The boat heeled over in the strong wind.

85. breeding grounds 温床

86. be in flux 处于不断变化中

87. As things stand 在目前的情况下,按照现状来看

88. dish out 分发,给予

89. bludgeon sb into doing sth 听过争辩迫使sb做sth;bludgeon v. 恫吓,用棍棒打;猛烈攻击;bludgeon the economy

90. pitch into 开始努力工作,蓬勃开展,大干一番;I rolled up my sleeves and pitched into cleaning the kitchen.

91. pitch sth in 参与;出力;出分子;We all pitched in $10 to buy her a gift.

92. make a pitch for sb 为sb说好话,决心劝服

93. castigate v. 严惩;苛评;矫正,修订

94. precipitate v. 使(坏事)突然发生;eg: His resignation precipitated a leadership crisis. precipitate sb/sth into sth 使突然陷入某种状态。 adj. 鲁莽的,草率的;n. 沉淀物,析出物

95. edge n. 边缘;刀刃;灾难边缘;微弱的优势;敏锐,锐利;愤怒的语气,尖刻的声调;有棱角的

- leading edge (领域)前沿,尖端;飞机前缘

- knife-edge 刀刃;(形势)胜负难料,成败未定;The economy is balanced in a knife-edge. 经济形势尚不明朗;人十分焦虑,急于知道结果

- cutting-edge (处于事物发展的)前沿,领先阶段。working at the cutting edge of computer technology

- gilt-edge (财)金边的,安全的,高度可靠的; gilt-edged securities/shares/stocks 金边证券/股票/市场

96. have edge on/over sb/sth 有优势;They have the edge in us.

- be on the edge 紧张不安,激动,烦躁

- on the edge of your seat 异常兴奋,极为激动,有浓厚兴趣

- take the edge off sth 减弱,变钝;挫伤...的锐气;The sandwich took the edge off my appetite. 这三明治让我食欲大减。

- be edge with 镶...边儿;The handkerchief is edged with lace.

- edge up/down 略微增加;减少;Prices edged up 2% in the year to December.

- edge sth/sb out of sth 把...排挤出去;She was edged out of the company.

97. drive-through station 不必下车即可得到服务的...

98. a litany of (一系列事件,原因)枯燥冗长的陈述;a litany of complaints 喋喋不休的抱怨

99. scoop up 大规模购买;用铲子取;舀上来;抢购一空

100. numbers are capped at 数量限制在...

101. a whiff of 一点点...;一阵...的气味

102. live hand-to-mouth 仅够糊口的;勉强维持生计

103. cold comfort 无用安慰,不起作用的安慰

104. a modicum of 少量的,一点点...

105. float one’s boat 为某人所喜欢;You can listen to whatever kind of music floats your boat

106. float about/around (进行时)思想等传播,流传

107. keep a lid on 限制,抑制;保守秘密,守口如瓶;The government is keeping the lid on inflation.

108. lift the lid on sth / take (or blow) the lid off sth 揭露...的真相;揭发丑闻;Her articles lifts the lid on child prostitution.

109. nibble away at 慢慢削弱;蚕食

110. hoover up 大量获得(某物)eg: The US and Canada’s usually Hoover up most of the gold medals.  or 用真空吸尘器把...清除掉;eg: to hoover up all the dust  = vacuum (v/n.);派生词;hoovering;It’s your turn to do the hoovering. 该你做吸尘清洁了。

111. All the more so 更是如此

112. wind down /waind/ 停下来;喘息一下;把车窗摇下

- (机器、企业、活动、业务)停止,停业,关闭;eg: The government is winding down its nuclear Programme. Can I wind my window down?

114. wind up 以...告终;结束 /waind-waund-waund/

- If we all agree, let’s wind up the discussion. 结束会议

- wind up in... eg: I said he would wind up in prison. 终归要入狱

- wind up doing; eg; We eventually wound up staying in a hotel a few miles from town. 最后在小旅馆落脚

- wind up adj; eg: If you take risks like that you’ll wind up dead. 你会把命赔上的

115. wind sb up 惹sb生气;戏弄;Can’t you see he’s only winding you up?

116. wind-up n. 戏弄人/惹人生气的言语或行动;adj. 装有发条的,有手柄操作的;an old-fashioned wind-up gramophone 装有发条的老式留声机;adj. 意欲结束的;终了的;收场的;a wind-up speech 结束语

117. wind /wind/ n. 风;气流;屁,胃气,肠气;运动或吹奏乐器时的呼吸;管乐器

- crosswind侧风;downwind顺风,下风处;headwind逆风,顶头风;tailwind顺风;trade winds信风,贸易风;windy 风大的;(讲话)夸夸其谈的,空话连篇的,空洞无物的;woodwind 木管乐器

- second wind 恢复的精力;重振的精神;缓过劲来的状况

- break wind 放屁

- get wind of sth 听到...风声;获悉...的秘密消息

- get/have the wind up (about sth) 因...害怕/忧虑

- in the wind 即将发生;在酝酿中

- like the wind  飞快地,像风一样地

- put the wind up sb 使海派,受惊吓

- take the wind out of sb’s sails 出其不意地打击某人的信心;突然减轻某人的怒气;

- a wind/ the winds of change (常作新闻用语)改革之风,变化的趋向;A wind of change was blowing through the banking world.

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