It’s been raining for a long time, and finally ceased today. A snake wanted to go outside for a walk.
He crawled forward strenuously. All off a sudden, it appears a puddle in the middle of the road. How should I get through it? He considered.
Then a perfect idea came upon him. He threw his head to the other side of the puddle, as he was trying to draw his tail back and leave, there’s a voice behind him, please wait for a minute. Who is this? The snake turned around to look for the voice.
He saw a little ant who asked, can I go to the other side of the puddle through your back. It’s my pleasure, the snake answered.
Little ants, small snails and a few mouths get through the puddle with the snake’s help. Thank you so much for your kind help. It’s my pleasure to help you all.
Okay. Anyone else need my help? Yes, yes, we need. Who came here this time? A big wolf, a bigger lion, and a biggest elephant. It’s really a strenuous job! But you did great work, the snake said to himself.
Finally the snake can drew his tail back, but he feels so thirsty. He drank out all of the water in the puddle. Then he continues to go for the walk.