译文取自Jeanne Kelly和Nathan K. Mao的译本
1. 晚饭后,鲍小姐和苏小姐异常亲热,勾着手寸步不离。
Afterdinner Miss Pao and Miss Su were unusually intimate,
goingabout arm in arm and never leaving each other’ s company for an instant.
Go about: (经常)穿…;(经常)表现得…If yougo about in a particular way, you behave or dress in that way, often as part ofyour normal life.
·He usedto go about in a black cape...
·He wentabout looking ill and unhappy.
Arm in arm: When two people are arm in arm, they both
have one arm bent at the elbow and passing around and supporting, or being
supported by, the arm of the other person 臂挽着臂
•We walked arm in arm along the river bank.我们臂挽着臂沿着河岸漫步。
thecompany sb keeps ·the influence of the people that someone spends time with (某人)所交往的人,与(某人)为伍的人
•“Where does he pick up words like that?”“”It’s the company he keeps.”“他从哪里学到那种话?”“从他结交的朋友那里。”
2. 他全无志气,跟上甲板,看她们有说有笑,不容许自己插口,把话压扁了都挤不进去;自觉没趣丢脸,像赶在洋车后面的叫化子,跑了好些路,没讨到一个小钱,要停下来却又不甘心。
Hefollowed them lamely onto the deck. As he watched them talk and laugh without lettinghim squeeze a word in edgewise, he felt silly and humiliated; he was like a beggarwho, after running after a rickshaw for some distance without getting a cent, finallymust stop but is reluctant to give up.
Lamely:in a way that doesnot sound very confident, or that does not persuade other people
•‘Imust have made a mistake,’ she said lamely.
notget a word in edgeways UK (US not get a word in edgewise)
·to not be able to say anything because someone else is talking all the time 插不进话,插不了嘴
•Roz was alking so much that nobody else could get a word in edgeways!罗兹话太多了,别人连一句话也插不进去。
3. 鲍小姐看手表道:“我要下去睡了。明天天不亮船就靠岸,早晨不能好好的睡。今天不早睡,明天上岸的时候人萎靡没有精神,难看死了。”苏小姐道:“你这人就这样爱美,怕李先生还会不爱你!带几分憔悴,更教人疼呢!”
Lookingat her watch, Miss Pao said, “I’m going down to sleep. The ship will dock before dawn tomorrow so wewon’ t be able to sleep well in the morning. If I don’t go to bed early, I’llbe all tired out and will look a wreck when I go ashore tomorrow. “Miss Su said, “You’re so concerned about yourlooks. Are you afraid Mr. Li won’t love you? If you look a little weary, it’ll
makehim dote on you so much more!”
使精疲力竭;使疲惫不堪If somethingtires you out, it makes you exhausted.
·Theoppressive afternoon heat had quite tired him out...
·Hisobjective was to tire out the climbers.
Wreck:someone who is in
bad physical or mental condition 健康(或精神)严重受损的人
•The stress she had been under at work reduced her to a nervous/quivering wreck.工作上的压力令她非常紧张/战战兢兢。
这样爱美:be so concernedabout one’s looks.
doteon sb to love someone completely and believe they are perfect 宠爱(某人);溺爱(某人)
•He dotes on the new baby.他对刚出生的孩子非常宠爱。
4. 鲍小姐道:“那是你经验之谈罢?--好了,明天到家了!我兴奋得很,只怕下去睡不熟。苏小姐,咱们下去罢,到舱里舒舒服服地躺着讲话。”
MissPao said, “Is that the voice of experience? Just think. Tomorrow I’ll be home.I’m so excited I am afraid I won’t be able to fall asleep. Miss Su, let’s go ondown. We can lie down in the cabin and talk more comfortably.”
经验之谈:voice of experience
咱们下去:let’s go on down
5. 对鸿渐一点头,两人下去了。鸿渐气得心头火直冒,仿佛会把嘴里香烟衔着的一头都烧红了。他想不出为什么鲍小姐突然改变态度。他们的关系就算这样了结了么?
Witha nod to Fang they went down. He burned with such rage inside that it seemed enoughto set the end of his cigarette aglow. Hecould not understand why Miss Pao had suddenly changed her attitude. So wastheir relationship to end just like that?
Aglow:bright; shining
with light and colour 发光的;光彩夺目的
•a city at night, aglow with lights灯火通明的城市夜景
•His face was all aglow with excitement.他激动得满脸放光。