20190226晚上6点20分,11分钟,老师《21天提升幸福感正念冥想疗愈》第十七课- 无意识如何影响生活和感受
《爱与性的秘密》分享25 性福宝典 获得非凡性福生活的通关密码
❖成为你自己能量的主人 如何拥有一个非凡美好的性体验?不只是还可以就够了。如果你想要拥有一个非凡美好的性体验,我们需要更深一层的了解能量,你需要成为你自己能量的主人,也就是你要努力专注在自己的阴性能量和阳性能量。 我们阴阳能量需要平衡。不仅男性能量和女性能量处于平衡中,而且还要在正确的平衡上。比如作为一个女人,阴性就是我的第一个本质,那么我的男性能量是隐性的支持。如果我是一个男人,那么男性能量就是在前面,阴性的能量就在后面支持着。 所以为什么性会如此困难,是因为很多女性现在太像一个男人,或者就是阴性能量过盛,就导致她们像个小女孩,再或者阳性能量过盛,像是一个女汉子。所以我们没有保持一个很好的内在阴阳的平衡,以及男性和女性能量之间的平衡。冥想后When we are in our senses, we are in the present moment. And in the present moment there are no problems. There are just situations – as we saw yesterday. Unfortunately we spend most of our time thinking, living in the mind, instead of feeling with our senses. And the mind always looks for what is going wrong.Because the job of the mind is to solve problems. So it always looks for problems. Do you recognize that?When we notice that we are focusing on problems and feeling not satisfied, or nourished, then you can use today’s technique. Which is to use your senses to focus on something satisfying, rather than using your mind to focus on something not satisfying.Before we start, have a glass of water ready available!HOMEWORKWrite down all the things that make you feel unhappy. They can be things that are wrong in your life, or wrong about you, things that happen to you, things people say, things you see, injustices done to others, etc. Write a really good list.Then go through your list and ask yourself for each one, ‘Whose fault is this? Who or what has created this situation which makes you unhappy? Write the answer down beside each one. Now look at the reasons, and see how many of your miseries are the fault of something or someone else. Notice whether your habit is to blame others and situations for your miseries.Now on a new page write down anything in your life you feel grateful about. Anything and everything which makes you happy. Even small things.Look at both lists. Which is longer?Notice - is it your habit to see the miseries rather than the satisfying things? Which do you hold on to, remember more? Be honest with yourself.Note what is the way you generally see things – half full or half empty? Look back at your life and be aware. Don’t udge yourself for what you see – then you miss the point. The point is to become aware of your unconscious mind and how it is influencing your life and the way you feel.Now take your time to go through the first list again, and ask yourself, of each thing you have written down, do I have to feel unhappy about this? Do I have a choice? This is just a habit. Our misery is just a habit. Once you become aware, you can change the habit. You can choose to focus on what is going right, what you enjoy, or you can focus on what is going wrong, what makes you unhappy. Anyway, the same situations will be there. But you can feel different.It’s up to you!